Proper care of the dollar tree at home. Dollar tree "Zamioculcas" - home care How the dollar tree blooms at home

Zamioculcas is a very pretty ornamental leafy plant with many superstitions associated with it. Due to its extreme unpretentiousness and undemanding care, even novice flower growers can grow it at home to check if there is some truth in folk signs. Be that as it may, it will decorate the windowsill.

What does Zamioculcas look like and where does it come from?

In nature, zamiokulkas leaves grow up to 1 m in length, at home the parameters are a bit more modest

The genus Zamioculcas belongs to the Aroid family (Araceae). Different sources single out from 1 to 4 representatives in it, but the most common opinion is that Zamioculcas zamiifolia (zamiifolia), aka Loddiges (loddigesii) is the only one of its kind.

The homeland of Zamioculcas is the eastern and southeastern African mountain plateaus with a tropical climate, therefore, unlike other Aroids, it is a succulent. This is a low herbaceous plant with a rhizome in the form of a tuber, from which thick roots extend, similar to worms. Zamiokulkas tuber is very powerful. It can even break through the pot, preventing its further growth.

In the tubers of zamiokulkas - its emergency reserve in case of a sudden drought

The petioles and the central vein (rachis) of the leaves are also juicy, dense, covered with ink-colored spots. In all its parts, the plant stores moisture and essential nutrients. Interestingly, during a severe drought, the zamiokulkas can shed the leaf plate itself, thus reducing the surface from which valuable moisture evaporates, and leave the thick fleshy petiole and rachis.

Young leaves of zamiokulkas are folded into something resembling a tube

In addition to the official name, Zamiokulkas has many popular nicknames. It is known as dollar tree, Zanzibar pearl, everlasting tree, aroid palm, ZZ. It is extremely loved in China and is called the "plant of the Chinese New Year Festival".

The plant blooms very rarely even in nature, only if it grows well enough and gets stronger. The inflorescence, however, is rather inconspicuous - a thick yellowish or cream ear, wrapped in a pale green petal-veil. Peduncle low, formed at the base of one of the leaves. Seeds "in captivity" are not tied, even under the condition of artificial pollination. In nature, after flowering, berries ripen (each has only one seed). Experienced flower growers note that flowering often means the end of the life of a given specimen.

Zamiokulkas flowering is not the most attractive sight

Basically, the plant is valued for the decorativeness of the leaves. They really look very elegant - dark green, leathery, shiny, large (in nature - about a meter, at home - half as much), the correct shape. In addition, which is practically not found in Aroids, the leaf plate is not continuous, it is dissected into 8–12 separate “feathers”. The leaves are densely arranged on a thick, short, underground stem, giving the illusion of a rosette. Zamiokulkas grows slowly, it sheds old leaves faster than new ones appear.

Like all Aroids, Zamioculcas is poisonous. Its leaves contain juice, which, if it gets on the skin (especially sensitive) and mucous membranes, can cause allergic reactions, serious burns, stomach and intestinal disorders. Therefore, carry out all work with the flower only with gloves, wash your hands thoroughly at the end, and put the pot away where small children and pets cannot reach it.

Plant video

Signs and superstitions

Zamioculcas among indoor plants is among the leaders in terms of the number of signs and superstitions associated with it. But just a few decades ago, no one knew about the flower, with the exception of specialists of the corresponding profile. Everything changed in the mid-90s, when one of the Dutch flower companies "thrown" the plant itself and its more miniature breeding hybrid onto the market. The novelty was quickly appreciated by amateur flower growers, florists, and designers, who began to widely use it for landscaping offices and industrial premises. As a result, Zamiokulkas broke into first place in sales.

Zamioculcas is widely used in the design of office space, lobbies, foyers, cabinets

Why is it believed that zamiokulkas brings good luck in matters related to finances, "attracting" American currency to its owner? Probably, the fact is that it is very rare to find a bank office where this flower would be absent. To some, its beautiful dark green shiny leaves probably reminded of dollar bills. Another possible explanation is that the first copies that appeared on sale were quite expensive, so they were most often purchased for dollars. So the flower got its main unofficial name - dollar tree, or dollar palm.

And when the plant begins to ache and wither, you will undoubtedly face a personal financial crisis. Therefore, the flower needs to be urgently treated. If all the measures taken do not give a result, you need to get a new copy and put it next to the old one that has not yet died, so that the “newbie” adopts positive energy and the right attitude from him. The catch is that it is forbidden to purchase zamiokulkas. It must either be stolen or received as a gift.

To attract money to the house with the help of Zamiokulkas, a whole ritual has been developed.

Another unofficial name for Zamiokulkas is the flower of celibacy. It is believed that a girl who wants to get married is strictly forbidden to grow this flower. He not only does not allow existing relationships to be established, but also “dares away” future gentlemen from her, helping to ensure that men do not linger in the house. Perhaps such a notoriety, which promises lifelong loneliness to the owner of the flower, is associated with the outward resemblance of its flowers to the spathiphyllum, which is stubbornly considered one of the most powerful “husbands”. Therefore, its “mystical” properties were simply transferred to Zamiokulkas.

If you still really want to grow zamiokulkas at home, the plant must be received as a gift or stolen. Courageous ladies who are not afraid to accept do not notice any sudden interference or other negative changes in their personal lives.

Optimal conditions for growing a flower - table

Factor Recommendations
Location Zamioculcas tolerates direct sunlight well, so a south-facing window sill is quite suitable. But during the hottest hours in summer (11:00–14:00), especially with a lack of fresh air, the flower should be shaded. The ideal location is close to a window that faces southeast or southwest. Provide good ventilation (the plant is not afraid of drafts). In summer, it is useful to take the flower out into the open air, protecting it from precipitation.
Lighting Bright light is vital for Zamiokulkas. It can be both direct sunlight and diffused lighting. If you have just purchased a plant or it has ended its dormant period, adapt it to new conditions gradually, over 10-14 days.
Temperature The optimum temperature in the active growth phase is 22–27 ºС. In winter, it is reduced to 15–17 ºС. The flower is very negative about sudden changes.
Air humidity Insignificant factor. Zamioculcas may well exist in an apartment where humidity rarely rises above 40-50%. But in the summer, in order to increase the decorative effect and wash off the dust, the leaves can be sprayed or wiped with a damp sponge once every 2–3 weeks.
The presence of a support An adult zamiokulkas reaches a height of about 1 m, so it may well fall sideways. To prevent this from happening, simultaneously with the next transplant, stick a wooden or plastic support with rings into the ground.

Features of landing and transplantation

Zamioculcas, under the age of 5 years, are transplanted annually, adult plants - as needed (every 2-4 years), as they grow slowly. It is necessary that the roots completely fill the old pot. The only suitable time for transplantation is early spring, as soon as the dormant period ends.

If there is not enough space for Zamioculcas, the plant will simply break the pot.

The pot is selected not too wide, but high, so that the roots have enough space. A ceramic container is desirable - it is heavier and more stable. There is less danger that a tall zamiokulkas will roll over. As for size, the new pot should be 3-4 cm larger in diameter. If you purchase a container "for growth", and so a slowly growing flower will practically stop in development. Roots need time to settle into a new space. Only then do leaves begin to form. Be sure to have a large drainage hole and drainage that fills about a quarter of the volume of the pot.

It's clearly time to transplant such a zamiokulkas

Zamioculcas prefers light, neutral soils. You can simply buy special soil for cacti and succulents in the store. But experienced flower growers prefer to prepare the substrate personally. It might look like this:

  • Coarse river sand, fertile soddy, leafy soil, powdered clay in a ratio of 2.5: 1: 1: 1 with the addition of sifted wood ash (a glass for every 2 liters of soil).
  • Soddy, leafy soil, dry peat and sand in equal proportions and a glass of crushed sphagnum moss for each liter of substrate.
  • Universal primer for decorative leafy houseplants and vermiculite (100 g per 2 l).
  • Chernozem, peat and sand in equal proportions.

Zamioculcas are transplanted only by transshipment, placing an earthen lump removed from the old pot on a layer of moistened substrate into a new one. When adding soil, constantly make sure not to fill up the tuber. It should be located as close to the surface as possible. After transplantation, the flower is not watered for 5-7 days.

Zamiokulkas transplant - video

Flower care at home


Watering Zamiokulkas requires a fairly moderate. Excess moisture for this plant is a much more serious problem than its lack. In the phase of active growth, starting from April, the plant is watered every 3-4 days. The earth ball should dry out by about half. If the weather outside is cloudy and cool, increase the intervals between watering.

Since dust is very visible on Zamiokulkas, a warm shower can be given to him about once a month. Pre-cover the soil with plastic wrap so that as little moisture as possible gets on it. Periodic spraying and wiping the leaves with a damp sponge are also useful.

After each watering, wait 15-20 minutes and drain the excess water that has fallen into the pan. The plant categorically does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Use only soft water that has settled for at least a day. Ideally - melt or rain. If this is not possible, soften tap water with citric acid. 3-4 pellets are enough for a 10-liter bucket.

top dressing

You can feed Zamioculcas only during the active growing season - this should be done every 15–20 days. For optimal development of zamiokulkas, complex liquid mineral fertilizers for cacti and succulents alternate (the recommended concentration is halved) and natural organic matter.

An infusion of fresh cow dung or bird droppings can be prepared at their summer cottage on their own. To do this, a third of the container is filled with raw materials, topped up with warm water, tightly closed and waiting for the appearance of a characteristic smell. After 3-4 days, the contents are mixed, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20 or 1:25 (for manure and litter, respectively) and the plant is watered.

rest period

Like all Aroids, Zamioculcas has a fairly long dormant period (from mid-autumn to the end of winter). At this time, the flower is removed to a bright place where a constant temperature of 16-18ºС is maintained, feeding is stopped and watering is reduced. Once every 20-25 days is enough.

Typical problems when growing a dollar tree - table

Description of the problem Most likely cause
The leaves are stretched, lose color, turn yellow, shrink, the tips dry. Zamioculcas does not have enough light. Move it to a more suitable location. If this is not possible, illuminate with fluorescent lamps.
The plant sheds leaves. If the leaves fall from below, this is a natural process for adult plants. Zamioculcas, dropping the topmost leaves, which are pre-dry, signals rare or too moderate watering.
Dark spots on leaves. Insufficiently high temperature in the phase of active vegetation, especially in combination with high humidity and cold sharp drafts. Another possible reason is too much watering.
Leaves at the base, tuber and roots turn black, soften. Too wet soil combined with low temperatures. Action must be taken immediately. It is very difficult to save any plant from rot.

Diseases and pests

The poisonous juice of Aroids is an insurmountable obstacle for most pests. But there are those who do not stop. Also, with excessive watering, rot develops very quickly on Zamioculcas.

Disease and pest control - table

Diseases and pests of the dollar tree in the photo

It is very difficult to save a plant affected by root rot, but it is worth a try. Aphids are easy to identify, therefore, for an effective fight, folk remedies are often enough. If you do not take measures against the spider mite, individual almost imperceptible "cobwebs" will quickly turn into a continuous whitish mass Not every insecticide can cope with a strong shell of a scale insect


It is impossible to obtain Zamioculcas seeds at home, so the plant is propagated by dividing tubers or rooting cuttings.

Rooting leaf cuttings

Whole leaves or their separate parts are used as planting material. The larger the "piece", the faster a new plant will form. Selected adult leaves should be healthy, uniform in color, symmetrical, without the slightest trace of pests and pathogenic fungi.

Rooting leaves or their parts is the most convenient way to propagate zamiokulkas

The leaves are cut with a sharp sterile knife at an angle of about 45º and left in the open air for a day so that they dry well. Then they are sprinkled with powder from a mixture of activated carbon and Kornevin and rooted in a wet substrate of coarse sand and dry peat (1: 1). Parts of the leaves are laid out on the surface, the petioles are stuck in about a third.

Kornevin stimulates the formation of roots

Landings are covered with glass caps, jars, plastic wrap and provide bright but diffused light and a constant temperature of about 22ºС. The soil is sprayed as it dries, the "greenhouse" is ventilated daily.

After 2-3 months, the leaves will dry out, but small tubers will appear. They will give new shoots in about six months. Plants are planted in individual pots and cared for like adults.

Rooting cuttings of a dollar tree - video

Tuber division is a riskier way. You can lose an existing flower, and not get a new one.

A tuber with one leaf bud is not suitable for division

From the plant you need to cut off all the leaves, remove the tuber from the pot and clean. Then it is divided into several parts so that each has at least one leaf bud. Sections are immersed for several minutes in a 2% fungicide solution, then sprinkled with activated carbon powder. A day later, pieces of the tuber are planted in the soil for adult plants and looked after, eliminating any top dressing and replacing watering with spraying. The first time fertilizer is applied only after 1.5–2 months.

Video of flower propagation by tuber division

The dollar tree (called “Zamioculcas” in the scientific community) has recently gained popularity and has become a wonderful decoration for many home and office interiors. Zamiokulkas is very unassuming in care, which indescribably pleases a beginner in the gardening topic, so let's figure out how to properly transplant a plant

Determine if Zamioculcas needs a transplant?

We all understand perfectly well that a transplant is always stressful for a plant, so it is important to be able to determine whether it is as necessary in practice as it might seem.

  • The dollar tree, in principle, grows very slowly, so it is not necessary to subject it to unnecessary tests. For the first time, Zamioculcas should be transplanted immediately after purchase.- the soil that sellers use rarely contains useful minerals and serves only as a temporary refuge for a flower. In fact, it is a transport substrate unsuitable for life.
  • A young plant (and this is about the first 3-5 years) is usually transplanted once a year, according to the development of its root system. For an adult flower, the flowerpot is changed approximately once every three years.
  • If you see that the roots of the dollar tree have filled the entire volume of the pot and have begun to grow a moisture-retaining tuber, this is a sign of the need for a transplant. Overgrown roots can often deform the pot, but this is quite an extreme.

When to transplant a dollar tree?

If you just bought Zamiokulkas, then this question should not arise at all. It should be transplanted in two weeks, when the flower adapts to the new climate. But if your plant has already settled down and found a place in the house, then change the pot in spring or summer - in the warm season.

It is advisable to wait until the end of the flowering period, but not in the case of a young plant. Remember that the more often you transplant a dollar tree, the more actively it grows.

Transplant after purchase: are there any features?

A new climate, watering conditions, and even lighting can all take their toll on a plant.

That is why you should not rush with a transplant after purchase - Give Zamioculcas a couple of weeks to acclimatize. The most important thing is not to forget about him, plunging into everyday worries, because an African friend will not survive in a store container.

As mentioned above, most often zamiokulkas is transported to Russia from other countries. To do this, it is planted not in mineral-fertilized soil, but in special containers filled with a special substrate. There are no nutrients in it, and accordingly there can be no development.

Attention! The dollar tree pleases the eye at any age. It lives for a relatively long time (5-10 years), so they often buy it in an already adult state. And the main fear when buying a flowering plant is the fear of losing all the beauty. We will disappoint you right away: if you dare to transplant zamiokulkas during the flowering period, then it will definitely drop the flowers. Such stress will not pass painlessly for him, and he will try to adapt.

Which pot to choose?

The choice of flowerpot is an important issue, because the comfort of the plant and the development of its root system depend on it. If it's time for a transplant, then don't take sudden steps, but buy a pot just a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one in diameter.

Keep in mind! Too large a flowerpot will slow down the growth of the leaves and the entire surface part of the zamiokulkas, because the ground part of the flower begins to develop only after the root system grows and the entire volume of the substrate is mastered.

The tree is very demanding on the shape of the pot. The ideal option would be a wide flowerpot with a narrowed bottom.

The flowerpot should have holes in the bottom through which excess liquid can escape during watering.

It is impossible to give clear advice regarding the material, because there are always risks.

Plastic containers are easily transformed by the roots, and clay flowerpots can limit development and lead to the death of a tree. When choosing a lesser evil, stop, of course, on plastic - it can be easily cut and replaced. With ceramics, it will not be so easy to deal with.

Choosing a soil

There is no particular dilemma with the soil.

In its natural environment, zamiokulkas grows on mountain plateaus, so experts have found that the dollar tree feels best in the lightest and most loose soil where air can easily enter.

Such soil qualitatively provides the roots with moisture and, no less important, oxygen.

When choosing soil, pay attention to its components. It will be great if the soil is well nourished initially, but otherwise you can make a mixture of sand, leaf (or sod) soil, and peat yourself. Humus will bring considerable benefits - with it the plant will grow more actively.

Mixing the soil yourself is not at all necessary. You can always buy ready-made soil mixtures, choosing those designed for cacti or succulents. However, experienced gardeners advise adding expanded clay or perlite to the purchased soil - with it the flower will grow more actively.

How to transplant at home?

Timely transplantation of a dollar tree is a guarantee of its health and beauty. We have already learned how to determine the need to change the flowerpot, and now let's reveal the rest of the secrets of success and consider the process step by step.

  1. Zamiokulkas transplant specialists give a completely different name - transshipment. This is the name of the optimal technique with which you will not damage either the root or the leaf system.
  2. For transshipment, you must either cut the container, or carefully break it (if the pot is clay). Zamioculcas itself is best sent to the root solution during the preparation of a new pot.
  3. Prepare drainage: pour expanded clay on the bottom of the flowerpot, filling about three centimeters from the volume. The rest remains on the share of the soil, but it is not necessary to pour it out immediately. Cover the drain with a small layer and place a dollar tree on it.
  4. The final step is to transfer the remaining soil into the pot - fill the entire space with soil and tamp a little. You don’t have to water the flower - Zamioculcas does not like excess moisture.

Step by step photos of the process

  • Laying drainage material

  • Adding soil

  • We check whether it is possible to pull out an adult plant.

  • If the plant cannot be simply pulled out, then we cut the pot. We don't water.

  • We try to minimize the damage to the plant.

  • We shift the clod of earth into another pot.

Post transplant care

Caring for Zamioculcas is very simple for one reason: he does not like special attention. The place for it should be chosen in accordance with the lighting: diffused light is required, which is most often found on the windowsill on the west or east side, but the plant does not tolerate direct sunlight, it can get burned. If you decide to put the pot on the south side, shading is necessary.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, Zamioculcos should be placed in the southeastern sector, where it activates the energy of wealth.

Watering is often not worth it, water is required only after the soil has dried. The flower loves warmth and dryness! With excessive watering or lack of sunlight, the money tree can get sick - and then it will be hard.

Reference! Your plant needs to be fed from time to time, the younger the plant, the more often it is needed. In the first year, experts advise feeding zamiokulkas once every two weeks, later - once a year (in late spring or summer). Mixtures for succulents are always suitable as a fertilizer.

How to plant a flower?

Zamioculcas can be propagated using feathers or leaves.

It often happens that a leaf that has fallen on its own already has a formed tuber - and this is real luck.

It remains only to plant it in the soil and wait for the formation of the root system. The process does not depend on a person in any way and, in fact, does not require anything.

If there is no fallen leaf with a tuber, then separate it from the bush, dry it a little (day 4), and then plant it in sandy soil. The process will speed up if you choose the largest possible sheet. It will be easy to care for him, the main thing is watering.

Watering rules

Just because your money tree isn't growing doesn't mean you need to water it more often!

The biggest mistake of beginners is that they flood zamiokulkas, and for the “African” this is much worse than drought.

He needs water only after he has completely absorbed what he already has, so always wait for the soil to dry completely. As for the quantity, there should be enough liquid so that it saturates the earth throughout the depth.

Possible mistakes

The dollar tree is an extremely hardy plant. It is unpretentious and persistent, so even pests are not particularly afraid of it.

The only threat of Zamiokulkas is a stubborn owner and inept care. Try not to overwater the plant, do not injure its root system and do not forget about top dressing. So you get the most beautiful flower!

Yellow leaves: what's the problem?

Who said yellow leaves are a problem? Know: it's too early to conclude that the plant is sick.

Zamioculcas grows slowly, and some of its leaves have time to grow old, turn yellow and fall.

In their place, new sprouts necessarily appear, and you can only worry if this does not happen. Leaves may turn yellow due to:

  • Skvoznyakov;
  • Sharp temperature changes;
  • Small amount of moisture;
  • Pests.

Determine the cause and eliminate it as soon as possible. A healthy plant will delight you with its foliage all year round if you take care of it in a timely manner!

Useful video

Learn more about Zamioculcas transplant from the video below:

The dollar tree or zamiokulkas is a houseplant that has gained particular popularity among many families. It is believed that the flower brings financial well-being to the owners.

plant description

Zamioculcas (lat. Zamioculcas) grows in tropical Africa. Belongs to the Aroid family and is represented by a single species - Zamioculcas Zamielius.

A herbaceous plant with tuber roots has dark green leaves swollen at the base. It is considered evergreen, but it is able to shed its leaves during a drought.

The dollar tree is unpretentious, tolerates darkening and insufficient air humidity, but can die from an excess of moisture. Not picky about different types of soil. It reproduces in several ways.

Great for growing at home, as large dense leaves and root tubers accumulate enough moisture for life, which makes the plant unpretentious in care.

Why is it called the dollar tree

According to popular belief, Zamioculcas is called a dollar tree, since it is believed that the plant is able to attract wealth and prosperity to the house where it grows. In order for a flower to bring prosperity to your family, you must follow the signs and superstitions associated with its cultivation and maintenance. For example:

  • Treat the flower like a person, water and nourish the soil in time, communicate with the plant very affectionately, with kind words, ask for well-being and wealth.
  • According to the lunar calendar, requests addressed to the flower on Tuesday with the growing moon will bring results.
  • To attract finance, fold a dollar bill in the form of a cone and attach it to the trunk or leaves.
  • The plant will help if you put coins in the pot, and water the tree with special charged water. To get such water, fill in the coins, let it brew for several days, and only then use it for irrigation.
  • If you received a plant as a gift, pay the person who gave it a few coins.

Also, according to superstition, Zamiokulkas is called "female happiness" and even "flower of celibacy." In both cases, the plant requires special treatment and care.

History of occurrence

The history of the origin of the flower goes back to 1828, when the world was first presented with a description of zamiokulkas called "Caladium zamielist". The description was presented by the scientist and collector of tropical plants - Conrad Loddiges.

A few decades later, the same plant was described and named "Zamiokulkas Loddiges" by the Austrian botanist Heinrich Wilhelm Schott.

The final name "Zamioculcas Zamielistny", which is still used today, was given to the flower in 1908 by the director of the Berlin Botanical Garden, Adolf Engler.

As a houseplant, the flower became known thanks to the Dutch flower auctions and gained massive popularity in 1996, and the first culitivar - a reduced “room” size, was created in 2007.

Features of cultivation and care

To grow a large and beautiful plant at home, you need very little knowledge and skills. The dollar tree is unpretentious in care, loves warmth and light, and also does not require daily watering.

Please note, before transplanting a flower into another pot, after purchase, wait a few days for it to acclimatize.

Where to place

Here the main criterion is the size of the plant. If the sheets are already large and strong, place the zamiokulkas on the floor. A young growing dollar tree is best placed on a windowsill or cabinet in the south or southwest side of the apartment.


Depending on the phase of life and the time of year, Zamioculcas requires special conditions. Therefore, follow these guidelines:

  • at the stage of growth from April to September, the plant will withstand temperatures up to +30 degrees (optimal - +25 degrees);
  • on clear summer days, put the flower outside, where it will be as comfortable as possible;
  • in a calm phase in winter, do not allow the temperature to drop below +12 degrees;
  • do not expose the dollar tree to sudden changes in temperature and drafts.

Any violation of the temperature regime can adversely affect the health of the flower.

What kind of lighting do you like?

Zamioculcas prefers soft and diffused lighting. When choosing a place for a plant, be sure to ensure that only diffused sunlight falls on the sheets. Otherwise, the dollar tree may die or get sick, as a deficiency of ultraviolet rays affects the health and growth of the flower in a negative way. At the same time, with direct sunlight, burns may appear on the sheets.

Also provide electricity to the location of the flower, as in winter with a short daylight hours, the plant requires additional artificial lighting.

Watering and humidity

Another criterion that depends on the life phase of Zamioculcas. Please note that only settled or pre-filtered water is suitable for irrigation.

In summer, during the period of active growth, the dollar tree requires watering in moderation. Water the flower only when the soil is completely dry. Do not flood the roots too much, as excess moisture can cause them to rot.

In winter, when the plant is in a calm phase, watering is not required at all. It is enough only during the heating season to wipe the surface of the leaves with a damp cloth or spray with settled water.

How to choose the right pot

Change the pot as the tree grows. For a young zamiokulkas, a small vessel is suitable. When choosing a container for an already adult flower, pay attention to:

  • Mass of the pot. It must be heavy to support the weight of the plant and not collapse.
  • Capacity dimensions. For tuberous roots, the best option would be a low and wide vessel.

What soil to use

The soil for zamiokulkas should be loose and soft so that moisture with nutrients and oxygen can freely enter the root system. You can get soil in several ways:

  1. Buy ready-made soil in the horticultural department. Choose special soil for houseplants or soil for cacti and succulents.
  2. Cook on your own. Just mix in equal parts: peat, turf, leaf and turf soil, adding a little sand and perlite to the mixture.


In addition to the main soil, for the full growth of the dollar tree, additional nutrition is needed, especially at the growth stage. Use for feeding:

  • vitamin complex for succulents and cacti (in the phase of growing green mass);
  • chicken manure;
  • mullein;
  • wood ash.

Start feeding the flower in early spring and finish in late autumn.


No trimming is required for properly shaped sheets. Such actions are resorted to if the crown of the dollar tree has not formed properly. Proper pruning involves creating a spherical shape of Zamioculcas. First cut the stems growing upwards and then, removing the top bud, cut off the overgrown side shoots.

To make the crown beautiful, make sure that new shoots get light, and sufficient nutrition is supplied to the root tubers.

Problems when growing a dollar tree

It is extremely rare that various kinds of problems occur in the process of growing a dollar tree. By solving them, you can return the flower to its former life.

Growing problems and their solutions.

If the leaves begin to lose color, the dollar tree is getting too little light. Just move the pot to a more lighted place.
If spots appear on the leaves, and the roots appear on the surface of the soil, the flower does not have enough space in the pot. Transplant the plant into a larger container.
It happens that the leaves begin to turn yellow. This means that the root tubers are rotting or the plant has been infected with a disease.
If spots appear on the surface of the leaves or stems, the plant has become infected with a fungus. Enter an antifungal drug into the soil. At the same time, do not temporarily feed the flower with other substances.
Sometimes the branches of an adult zamiokulkas cannot support their own weight, and the tree in the pot becomes unstable. Make a support ring out of strong wire and surround the branches of the flower with it.

Always try to keep an eye on the appearance of the leaves and stems in order to resort to solving the problem in time.

How the dollar tree blooms

According to superstition, it is believed that if the flower has bloomed, this is to material well-being, an addition to the family will appear or a move to a new home will take place.

The flower of the dollar tree in appearance resembles an ear of corn no more than 9 cm long, cream or yellow. If you look closely, you can see that the "cob" consists of many small flowers. At first glance, flowering is not easy to notice, as it is hidden by a cover of leaves of a light green hue.

Pests and diseases

It happens that the dollar tree loses its healthy appearance and fades. This phenomenon can be caused by various pests and diseases.


It happens that the leaves of the dollar tree fall under the influence of a scale insect or a tick. If you notice that dark spots and cobwebs have appeared on the surface of the plant, and the leaves have begun to fade, most likely an insect has settled in the flower. Immediately after finding a problem, wipe all the stems and leaves with a sponge dipped in soapy water. To destroy the larvae, treat the dollar tree with a tobacco spray and rinse with water after 30 minutes. Specialized substances will help in the complex fight.

wilting foliage

Most often, such problems arise with improper care of zamiokulkas. Try changing the location of the plant, water or fertilizer.

How to restore a dollar tree

If you notice that the plant is starting to rot, try to bring it back to life in the following way.

  • Remove the flower from the soil and wash the root tubers in a light solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Remove rotten roots.
  • Sprinkle the remaining rhizome with crushed activated charcoal tablets for a couple of hours.
  • Rinse the pot with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Dry the plant outdoors for a few days.
  • Plant the dollar tree back into the pot.

After all the manipulations, the zamiokulkas will recover. In order to avoid such mistakes in the future, try to properly care for the flower in the future.

Reproduction of the dollar tree

Reproduction of zamiokulkas can be carried out in several ways.


The method is suitable for adult plants of medium size that have started new shoots, but have not grown to division. Most often, the method gives a result.

Action plan:

  1. Disinfect a sharp knife or other garden tool.
  2. Carefully cut off the stem. You should get a stalk 9 to 11 cm long with a bud and a leaf.
  3. Sprinkle the cut with activated charcoal powder.
  4. In a glass of settled water, also add a little activated charcoal.
  5. Dip the cutting into the container and leave it in a warm and bright room.
  6. Change the water in the glass regularly to prevent rotting.
  7. As soon as the first root shoots appear, transplant the sprout into the soil.

Tuber division

The root system of the dollar tree is tuberous, so it can be divided into several parts without much effort. Such manipulations are usually carried out during transplantation. Divide the rhizome into the required number of parts, salting each of them in a separate container. The pot for young plants should not be very deep and wide.

Reproduction by a leaf

This is the easiest, but very time consuming method. For the procedure, you can separate both the whole branch and a separate leaf.


  • Choose one large leaf and separate it from the plant.
  • Deepen the sheet with the cut edge into the peat or substrate.
  • Place the container with seedlings in a warm, well-lit place.
  • To create a greenhouse effect, you can cover the pot with polyethylene.
  • After a few months, the leaf should take root.

For the procedure to end successfully, plant several branches or sheets in a pot at once.

The nuances of a transplant

The dollar tree grows slowly, so it does not need frequent replanting. This should only be done in rare cases:

  • perform the first transplant immediately after purchase, since most often the soil in the purchased pot does not contain useful substances and is temporary;
  • at the growth stage (in the first 3-4 years), replant zamiokulkas on average once a year, depending on its size;
  • if you notice that the roots are peeking out of the ground, then the pot is small for the plant and it needs to be transplanted.

Step by step description of actions:

  • To get zamiokulkas out of the ground for proper transplantation (transshipment), you will have to break or cut the pot.
  • Dip the extracted plant into the rhizome solution while preparing a new flowerpot.
  • Fill the bottom of the container with expanded clay by about 3 cm.
  • Sprinkle the resulting drainage with a small amount of soil.
  • Place the flower in the pot.
  • Sprinkle the rhizome with the rest of the soil, tamping the soil a little.
  • Do not water the plant immediately after transplanting.
  • choose a container for transplantation that is only a few centimeters larger in diameter than the old one, otherwise the plant may slow down in growth;
  • do not transplant a dollar tree in the flowering phase, otherwise the flower will wither;
  • choose a soft and loose soil for transplanting.

Most often, the cultivation of Zamioculcas does not cause any special problems. However, the presence of a dollar tree in the house may raise some questions.

Is the dollar tree poisonous or not?

Like other plants of the aroid family, Zamioculcas is a poisonous plant. In this case, the poison is contained both in the stem and in the leaves of the flower.

Exposure to poison can affect your health, with the following side effects:

  • burns on the skin;
  • allergic reactions;
  • intestinal upset when plant juice enters the gastrointestinal tract;
  • blurred vision if the poison gets on the mucous membrane of the eye.

So that your well-being does not worsen, follow the basic rules for handling a flower:

  • Transplant and trim leaves only with gloves;
  • after contact with zamiokulkas, always wash your hands;
  • do not start a dollar tree if the family has allergies, small children or pets;
  • do not put a flower pot in a child's room or bedroom.

Pollen on the flowers can also cause allergies, so if the first symptoms occur, immediately remove the bloom.

Why does it grow poorly and does not give new shoots

There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Zamioculcas is in a resting phase;
  • insufficient illumination of the room;
  • violation of humidity standards;
  • small pot;
  • wrong transplant;
  • inadequate drainage.

Please note that if the plant has just been purchased, it may simply adapt to the new environment.

Why leaves turn yellow

If yellow leaves appear only on old branches, and new ones remain bright and green, do not worry. It's just that the plant is going through a growth phase of young leaves. Otherwise, the plant is affected by external unsuitable conditions or pests.

How often does it bloom

In fact, Zamioculcas blooms at home extremely rarely. This happens only on adult plants that have lived for more than two or three years.

What to do if a branch breaks

In such a case, carefully cut off the broken branch at its very base, and sprinkle the remaining cut with activated charcoal powder.

How to choose a healthy plant in the store

Unscrupulous sellers can hide the real age of Zamiokulkas. If you want to buy a young plant, take a closer look at its leaves. They should be bright green and free from defects. The height of a young flower can reach about 30 cm.

If you like a mature, formed tree, give preference to a plant with juicy fleshy leaves and a well-formed crown.

Do not buy zamiokulkas if its branches have dried up and the leaves have turned yellow and wilted. It is possible that the flower is infected with a disease or pest.

Is it possible to give a dollar tree

It is believed that zamiokulkas will bring financial well-being to the house only if it is donated by a loved one. The appearance of a plant in the house should be accompanied by a significant event associated with something new, for example: New Year, Birthday or housewarming.

Not really

Zamioculcas has a strong reputation as a fashionable plant. Speaks about this and its "popular" name - the dollar tree. Zamiokulkas looks really impressive. Perfect for decorating office space and apartments, especially since caring for it at home is completely simple.

The indoor flower zamiokulkas zamielist belongs to the aroid family, although it is difficult to call it a typical representative. He received his unusual name because of the external resemblance to the zamiya. Zamiokulkas is native to Madagascar. The leaves are pinnate, symmetrical, slightly pointed at the top; dense, look waxy, which, in combination with a dark green color, creates a decorative effect. Leaf plates of an adult plant can reach 80 cm in length. They inspired the popular nickname Zamiokulkas - the dollar tree. Shoots are short, horizontal. It seems that the leaves grow "out of the ground."

The dollar tree develops slowly - this explains the high price of adult plants. The "heart" of zamiokulkas is a large tuber that accumulates moisture reserves. Thanks to him, the plant behaves in many ways like a succulent. The dollar tree blooms in old age. The flower, justifying the "family" affiliation, is a cob with a veil. The inflorescences are small, located close to the sinuses and do not represent decorative value, therefore Zamioculcas is not considered as a flowering plant. Popular rumor ascribes to the blossoming dollar tree the ability to "attract" women's happiness. Well, since you can wait for this only by properly caring for the plant for many years, evil tongues call Zamioculcas the flower of celibacy.

How to care for a dollar tree

Caring for a dollar tree, thanks to its unpretentiousness and ability to adapt to environmental conditions, will be within the power of even novice flower growers. Following a number of simple rules, you can ensure that the plant retains a spectacular appearance all year round.


Optimal for Zamiokulkas will be an abundance of bright diffused light - that is, windows of western or eastern orientation. However, he feels great on the northern windowsills, and even at some distance from them. Shading will only affect the growth rate of the dollar tree, not its appearance. From direct sunlight, especially when kept outdoors, the leaves protect - with an excess of light, they fade.

Temperature regime

Houseplant Zamioculcas feels comfortable in a wide range of temperatures. Due to its African origin, it does not need to be protected from the summer heat. The dollar tree is also loyal to coolness, but it is desirable that the winter temperature of the content does not fall below 12 degrees.

Humidity and watering

Zamioculcas will feel better if its leaves are periodically sprayed with warm water during the warm season. But this procedure is not necessary - the dollar tree is quite suitable for the humidity of the air in our apartments. But to wipe his leaves, cleaning them from accumulated dust, you need to regularly. To do this, you can use a soft damp cloth.

Caring for zamiokulkas will not cause trouble even for those who are constantly on the road. The plant does not tolerate an excess of water, but is loyal to its lack. During the active growing season, the top layer of soil must be dried; in winter, the amount of moisture is reduced even more, allowing the earthy coma to dry completely between waterings.


Proper care for zamiokulkas at home involves regular fertilizing: twice from spring to autumn, and once a month in winter. Additives with a slight predominance of nitrogen in the composition are used: universal or intended for succulents. In the first case, the dosage from that indicated on the package is halved. It is advisable to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers. Some flower growers recommend spraying the plant "on the leaf" with a weak solution of urea in the spring to accelerate growth.

Post-Purchase Care

Industrial greenhouses keep plants in the tightest possible containers, so after purchase it is advisable to transplant zamiokulkas into another pot, several sizes larger. In the process of transplanting, the peat in which the plant "sat" is carefully crushed from the roots, trying not to damage the tuber. Be sure to look at them for the presence of soft darkened areas, which are cut to healthy tissues, sprinkling the wounds with crushed charcoal. After transplanting, the dollar tree is watered sparingly; do not need to be placed in a greenhouse.


Zamioculcas, when cared for at home, is easily formed by pruning. If you remove the top bud on a leaf, it stops growing. Thanks to this feature, by cutting mature plants, you can give them various shapes that will last for a long time. Pruning can only be done in the spring.

How to propagate zamiokulkas

Reproduction of a dollar tree at home requires patience - the "young growth" grows more slowly than adult plants. For this, methods of dividing the tuber, planting leaf cuttings are used.

Tuber division is used if the mother plant has grown strongly and is absolutely healthy. It is better to combine the procedure with a spring transplant. Usually it is easy to find the optimal place for the incision: the tuber develops unevenly, its different parts are separated by a thin isthmus of tissues. Make sure that each division has its own growing point. Slices must be sprinkled with crushed charcoal, dried. Each division sits in a cramped pot; Before the appearance of new shoots, it is watered a little bit.

Zamioculcas does not really like violating the integrity of the tuber, therefore, as a result of the procedure, both young plants and the mother plant may die.

Reproduction of zamiokulkas by a leaf (a separate leaf plate) is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. One of the old lower segments is cut off with a sharp knife along with part of the stem - the “leg”.
  2. It sits in a mixture of peat and sand without strong penetration.
  3. The containers are placed in a greenhouse with constant ventilation (or placed in a plastic bag without tying it on top), watered moderately.

After a while, the plate will sprout roots and begin to form a tuber. It will take up to six months, after which it dies. If by this time the tuberous organ has had enough time to form, after a while it will begin to sprout. The apical parts of the leaves sit down in a similar way. They quickly form a tuber and grow. The length of the cutting does not affect the success of rooting, but the smaller the part taken for propagation, the more time it will take to turn it into a beautiful plant. You can use the material left after trimming.

How to transplant zamiokulkas

Transplanting zamiokulkas at home is not difficult, since the root system of the plant tolerates "invasions" well. The tuber itself is handled carefully, trying not to damage it. A young dollar tree is transplanted annually, an adult - once every 2-3 years, until it grows to floor tubs. Then every spring replace the top layer of soil with fresh.

Suitable soil and pot for zamiokulkas

The most suitable land for zamiokulkas is an equal mixture of soddy, leafy soil, peat and sand. However, it is undemanding to the composition of the soil, therefore, with equal success, you can use a ready-made universal or substrate intended for succulents. Main requirements: good air permeability and neutral acidity. The pot for zamiokulkas is chosen low and wide. A few centimeters should remain between the tuber and the sides.

Step by step transplant process

The dollar tree is transplanted as follows:

  1. The earth ball is removed from the old container, the roots are partially freed from the soil.
  2. The tuber is carefully examined for rot. When rotten parts are found, they are cut off with a sharp knife to healthy tissues, the wounds are sprinkled with crushed charcoal; the tuber is dried for half an hour.
  3. A layer of drainage and fresh soil is placed in a new pot so that after planting the tuber does not “sit down” too deeply.
  4. From above and on the sides they fill up the earth, lightly tamping.

Some flower growers prefer not to completely cover the tuber with soil; the more common method of landing with partial, not more than 1 cm, deepening. The tuber is slightly poisonous, so be careful when handling it.

Growing problems

Even when growing an unpretentious dollar tree, problems can arise. Sometimes zamiokulkas does not grow, sheds leaves or loses its attractive appearance. As a rule, such manifestations indicate violations of agricultural technology. If the problem is identified in a timely manner, it can most often be eliminated without harm to the life of the plant.

External manifestationsThe reasonsSolutions
Zamioculcas leaves turn yellowMost often, this is a natural aging process. By yellowing and dropping leaves, zamiokulkas can also respond to critical violations of agricultural technology. It is worth worrying if the process also affects young leaves.Observe agricultural technology - do not be zealous with watering, but remember that in the summer it is advisable not to bring the earthen ball to complete drying. Do not keep the plant in too cold rooms.
Spots on the leavesThe reason for the appearance of dark wet spots is waterlogging, possibly in combination with low temperatures or drafts. Yellow dry marks indicate direct sunlight or too dry air.Follow agricultural practices, do not overmoisten zamiokulkas and protect it from excessive temperature drops.

Do not place the pot on the south windows. Remember that spraying should be part of plant care in summer. Keep it away from batteries in winter.

The trunk turns black and the roots rotThis indicates over watering.

Dark but dry, "painted" spots on the central veins of the leaves may appear naturally during growth.

Remove the plant from the pot, cut off all damaged parts, treat healthy tissues with charcoal or Fundazol. Plant in a tighter container; before the appearance of new shoots, reduce watering until the earthen coma is completely dry. Do not forget that the dollar tree is extremely negative about excess moisture.
Dollar tree does not give new shootsZamioculcas grows slowly, but if there are no new shoots from month to month, this indicates that the plant lacks light or nutrients.Move the zamiokulkas to a more lit place, feed it regularly.
Zamioculcas cryingSometimes droplets of moisture appear on the leaf plates, looking like teardrops. This is an alarm signal that indicates mechanical damage or improper care.Follow agricultural practices.

Zamioculcas can be affected by spider mites. You can determine the appearance of a pest by a thin cobweb and deformed, lagging behind in the development of the upper leaves. To combat it, acaricides are used, such as Neoron, Fitoverm, Aktofit. The plant is treated at least twice, with a weekly interval. Without the second processing, it makes no sense to do the first; the same goes for periodicity.

The dollar tree, which is very easy to care for at home, is a herbaceous plant from the Aroid family, known in the scientific literature as Zamioculcas. The representative of the tropical climate of Africa owes its popular name not only to beautiful bright green leaf plates, but also to energy, which, according to the practice of Feng Shui, attracts money and prosperity.

The genus Zamioculcas is represented by a single species - Zamioculcas Zamieist or Loddiges. The variety was named in 1856 after the discoverer Conrad Loddiges, who was a collector of exotic flora. However, in 1908, a second name appeared in the German botanical garden - zamiokulkas zamiyelistny, which is generally accepted at the present time.

Dollar tree: growing features

The main feature of a succulent plant is its ability to endure dry periods characteristic of natural growing conditions, due to the accumulation of moisture in the fleshy leaves, powerful stem and tuberous rhizome. Height up to 1 m and bright appearance allows phytodesigners to use the plant for landscaping premises for various purposes and areas and create tropical corners with a special microclimate enriched with phytoncides.

Home Care

Simple care for a dollar tree is the most important advantage of a plant: the undemanding and unpretentiousness of the culture, combined with a spectacular appearance, increase the decorative value of an exotic representative.

Location and lighting

To grow a healthy plant that will delight the eye with its decorative effect, it is necessary to provide it with a sufficient amount of light. The best option would be to place the pot on the windowsills of south-facing windows with light shading during the peak of solar activity.

Important! The lack of light is the cause of the fading of the bright color of the leaf plates.

Temperature features

The flower is adapted to hot climatic conditions, so an increase in temperature in summer to 30 ° C does not pose a threat to it. While hypothermia is fraught with great dangers.

The optimal temperature regime depends on the season:

  • in summer - 22-25 ° C;
  • in winter - 16-18 ° С.

Carefully! Lowering the temperature below a value of 12 ° C can provoke the development of the disease and lead to the death of the flower.

Pot soil requirements

Succulents require light, fertile soil with a loose structure that will provide good aeration and water permeability. To prepare a soil mixture with similar indicators, peat, sand and leafy soil are used in equal proportions. When choosing a pot, it is worth choosing a clay or ceramic container that will withstand the onslaught of the growing roots of the dollar tree. To prevent moisture stagnation, a drainage layer of 2-3 cm is necessarily placed on the bottom of the pot.

Watering and humidity

Zamioculcas needs rare but plentiful watering, between which the earth in a pot should dry out completely.

Constantly moist soil can lead to the development of rot. Humidity in the room where the flower is kept should be increased in order to provide the flower with conditions as close to natural as possible.

To achieve a high level of humidity, you can:

  1. Every day, spraying the plant with a spray bottle with settled, warm water.
  2. By placing a container with a flower on a pallet filled with wet pebbles or moss.

Advice! To maintain the health of a tropical plant, you should systematically wipe the fleshy leaf plates of the dollar tree with a damp sponge, which will not only maintain high humidity, but also make it easier for Zamiokulkas to breathe, which is hindered by a layer of room dust.

top dressing

From the beginning of active vegetation, which is noted in mid-spring, until mid-autumn, the plant needs to organize additional nutrition in the form of mineral complexes for cacti and or succulents. Top dressing is carried out regularly twice a month.

How to transplant a dollar tree?

The root system of the dollar tree is represented by densely spaced tubers, which are easily injured during a careless and quick transplant. Damage can lead to the death of the plant.

To prevent such a situation, transplantation is carried out with extreme caution and under the following conditions:

  • The tree was brought from the store a few days ago and is in a shipping container filled with peat. To minimize plant stress during transplantation, the procedure should not be carried out immediately after purchase and give it time to adapt to future conditions.
  • A young specimen needs an annual transplant into a container of a slightly larger diameter than the previous one.
  • If the root system of an adult plant filled the pot and appeared from the drainage holes, then the time has come for the procedure. The best time for this is spring.
  1. A pot is prepared that is suitable in size for the root system of the transplanted specimen.
  2. The plant is placed in a container by transshipment together with an earthen clod.
  3. The voids are filled with a nutrient substrate for succulents so that the top tubers remain 1 cm above the ground.

Pruning zamiokulkas

Formative pruning of the money symbol is carried out in the spring to give the plant the correct shape:

  • Shoots growing inward are removed.
  • The upper part of the shoot is cut off to stimulate the development of new side shoots.
  • Branches that break out of the common crown due to too rapid growth are shortened.

Pests and diseases of Zamioculcas

Growing a dollar tree is accompanied by difficulties caused by damage by harmful organisms:

  • Stem rot - in case of excessive watering carried out at low temperatures, the stem and root system begin to rot. To save the plant, the tubers are removed from the ground, the affected areas are removed, and the cut sites are treated with an antiseptic. After transplanting into a new substrate, the specimen is sprayed with a fungicide solution.
  • Spider mite and mealybug - the plant is populated by sucking pests due to the dryness of the air. As protective measures, the following are carried out: wiping the leaf plates with a sponge dipped in soapy water, or spraying with an insecticide, which is most effective with a strong colonization.
  • Aphids and thrips - harmful insects are noted after the succulent is outside. For control, systemic insecticides are used.
  • Shchitovka - insects, as a rule, fall on a representative of exotic flora from other plants. If a pest is found, it is recommended to organize insecticide treatments according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Advice! To achieve a positive effect, the treatments are carried out in two stages with an interval of 10-14 days, depending on the duration of the toxicity of the selected drug.

How does the dollar tree bloom?

Zamioculcas flowering, in which an 8 cm long cob is formed, covered with a leaf plate, is an extremely rare occurrence even under natural growing conditions. However, if you follow the basic conditions for keeping a flower, then at home you can become a witness to a flowering dollar tree.

Tuber division

When transplanting an adult specimen, a rhizome division procedure can be carried out:

  1. Pots are prepared 3-4 cm larger than the root system of the plant and filled with a nutrient substrate with a loose structure and a slightly acidic reaction.
  2. The rhizome of the parent specimen is divided into equal parts.
  3. Each part is placed in a separate container, moistened and moved to a well-lit windowsill protected from direct sunlight.


During the procedure:

  1. A stem cutting with a bud and a leaf is being prepared.
  2. The cut point is sprinkled with crushed wood or activated charcoal.
  3. After a couple of hours of being in the air, the stalk is placed in moistened sand.
  4. The planting container is covered with polyethylene and moved to a warm and bright place.
  5. After half a month or a month, roots form.

Important! During the rooting period, the cuttings should be systematically moistened.

leaf reproduction

Despite the duration of the root formation process, leaf propagation is considered the easiest way to breed a dollar tree, in which:

  1. A small leaf plate is separated from the shoot, after which it is placed in moistened peat.
  2. The container is covered with glass to create a greenhouse environment and transferred to a well-lit area.

Attention! Depending on the temperature and humidity, the process of tuber formation can take several months.

Thus, the beauty and originality of a tropical representative is worth the little effort of the grower, and a healthy and very decorative plant will decorate any room.

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