Preventive decade of the fight against AIDS. Work plan for the decade of the fight against AIDS in the MBOU Prosetskaya school Decade of the fight against AIDS at school

From November 14 to December 4, 2016, a ten-day fight against AIDS was held at our ball school.
School students participated in the competition of posters and drawings, became participants in information hours on AIDS.
These days, information and educational events were held at the school in order to form in students a value attitude towards their own health and the health of those around them.
11/14/2016 in 5 "g" class Kozyakova O.V. a discussion was held on the prevention of viral infections.

23.11. 2016, a meeting was held between students of the 9th "in" class with the master of sports Grinev V.N.

11/25/2016. school olympic games were held among 5 classes.

11/29/2016 in 7 "a" a parent meeting was held on the topic "Peculiarities of adolescence". Kiseleva E.V., a doctor of the Livensky regional central hospital, spoke at the meeting, who noted the importance of the event, called on parents to be vigilant and responsible in educating the younger generation in order to prevent the lives of adolescents from being crippled.

November 30, 2016 among 10 classes there was a sports event "I choose life", dedicated to World AIDS Day.

Within the framework of the decade of AIDS prevention, the school library hosted the opening of a warning book exhibition “Terrible Diagnosis: AIDS”, which presented literature about this incurable disease, which does not depend on gender, age, or social status of a person.

On December 2, students of the 7th grade watched a video lesson on the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS; this lesson was broadcast by the TV channel "Russia 24" at 13:00. Children also saw a short informational film on television, where famous musicians, journalists and public figures talk about the ways of HIV transmission and how to protect against it.

As part of the decade dedicated to the World AIDS Day, from November 20, 2018, a book exhibition “No to AIDS!” has been arranged in the school library. Readers are presented with literature on the history of the disease, on the ways of transmission of the virus, syndromes and risk groups, treatment and prevention of HIV infection, books on drug addiction. The exhibition was complemented by brochures, memos and booklets on AIDS prevention. With this exhibition, the librarian tried to convey to readers the idea that the problem of HIV concerns every person.

The Health Corner contains information on HIV prevention.

On November 21, in grades 1-4, the event "Health is great" was held. Also on this day, an information hour “What is AIDS and how does it manifest itself?” was held for students in grades 9 and 10. The purpose of the event: to attract the attention of adolescents to the problem of AIDS, to promote a healthy lifestyle among young people and to form a responsible attitude towards their health. During the event, a conversation was held with the students, which was accompanied by a multimedia presentation. All students took an active part in the discussion of the problem. We know that AIDS is caused by a virus, we know when and how it is transmitted, and we even have the means to treat it. But the myths remained and, alas, most people have a much greater idea about them than about the truth. Seven major myths about HIV were debunked. We learned that, according to statistics, the Nizhny Novgorod Region is one of the regions with a high level of HIV infection among the population (60 cases per 100,000 population). And, unfortunately, many people have the risk of contracting this infection. And our Bolshemurashkinsky district belongs to areas with a very high level of infection from 301 to 550 people per 100 thousand people, Knyagininsky to a high level of 151 to 300 people, and Sergachsky belongs to the average level of 51 to 150 people. per 100 thousand population. The event was interesting, with great activity and interest of the children. The guys came to the conclusion that it is necessary to observe a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent HIV infection and that the spread of AIDS is a social security problem that can affect anyone.

On November 22, in the 10th grade, a class hour “We choose health!” was held. (on the prevention of HIV infection). The purpose of the lesson: to provide information about HIV infection, ways of transmission of the disease and precautions. Objectives of the lesson: to form concepts of personal responsibility for one's behavior, to teach how to assess situations of being in risk zones and to take precautions.

On November 23, 2018, the social teacher held the event “AIDS is the problem of the entire planet” with students in grades 7-8. She told the children about how the HIV disease appeared. How is it transmitted and what should be done to avoid contracting HIV. The event was accompanied by a presentation. In conclusion, the children watched videos about HIV.

A sports event for students in grades 5-10 "In a healthy body, a healthy mind" was held on November 29, which was aimed at strengthening health and spirit. Under the motto "Sport is life", the guys performed physical exercises aimed at developing physical qualities: speed, agility, strength and many other exercises.

On November 28, for students in grades 5-7, an extra-curricular activity “Being healthy is fashionable” was held in order to draw the attention of children to the fact that health is the most important thing in life, that from childhood you need to know its components and develop a responsible attitude towards it.

During the event, the guys with the help of interesting tasks and contests (“The fourth extra”, “Harmful - useful”, “Depict a sport”, “Folk wisdom”, “I believe, I don’t believe”, “Riddles-hygiene helpers”, “Compliment” , "When to lie down, when to run", etc. derived a formula for health.

At the end of the lesson, the participants came to the conclusion that in the modern world it is unprofitable and very expensive to be ill, while being healthy, on the contrary, is healthy and fashionable.

Grade 8 students prepared a poster for the participation in the municipal competition "We choose life!"

From November 26 to December 7, a preventive decade was held at the school, dedicated tofor World AIDS Day. A plan was drawn up for the preventive decade at the school.

Target: preservation and strengthening of the health of the younger generation through the implementation of preventive work on the problem of HIV\ C PID among students

Tasks: - expansion of educational activities for the prevention of HIV infection among students;

Formation of students' knowledge on the problem of HIV / AIDS and safe life skills.

In the foyer of the school on the second floor, an information stand "Say no to drugs!"

In grades 6-9, class hours were held on the topic: “What do you know about AIDS?”.

An exhibition of literature on AIDS prevention among adolescents was arranged in the school library.

On December 1, the volunteer action "Red Ribbon" was held at the school. Responsible for educational work introduced the students to the history of the appearance of the "red ribbon". Then all the children put red ribbons on their chests as a sign of support for the programs to prevent the spread of AIDS.

On November 23, for parents (legal representatives) of 9th grade students, a parent meeting "Invisible Threats - Myths and Reality" was held.

In the foyer on the second floor, an art teacher arranged an exhibition of children's drawings "Healthy me - a healthy family" among students in grades 1-5.

On November 27, a sporting event “Going in for sports, we will keep our health” was held - a basketball tournament. The event was attended by students from grades 7 to 9. After a tough game, the boys team won.

On November 30, the paramedic of the Zarechensky FAP conducted a conversation with students in grades 7-9 “Your health and HIV (AIDS) - infections”.

On December 4, the Zarechensk library-branch No. 7 held a quiz conversation “What I know about AIDS” for students in grades 5-9. Students answered questions about HIV-infected people, ways of infection, about the first infected people, about methods of recognizing infection. At the end of the conversation, they answered the question "Unfinished sentence". Each participant was asked the following question: What would you do if you met an HIV-positive person? And your friend turned out to be HIV-positive?

On December 5, a volunteer action was held: the distribution of leaflets and booklets on the prevention of HIV infection among students and the adult population of our village.

Rep. according to VR Boltacheva I.V.​

Line dedicated to the month

fight against HIV/AIDS

Prepared by: social pedagogue Kozhantayeva G.A.

Amangeldy secondary school

Sabina: Kurmetti okushylar, mұғalіmder zhyl sayyn қarasha ayynyn birinen bastap zheloksan ayynyn bіrіne deyіn elіmіzde Bүgіngі kүnі barlyk azamattar bұl dert turaly kөp maғlumat alyp, onymen kүresu zhaқsy zholғa қoyylғan.

Sounds "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven, will be read "Requiem" to those who died from HIV / AIDS


Stop, planet, run,
Nabat, having heard the funeral,
A man died of AIDS
Another. Outcast. Disgraced.
Another one in a million
Carrying an unbearable cross -
The suffering of life beyond the laws,
Fate is an unmerciful finger.
Stop, planet, run,
Stop those who run with you
In that new, unfamiliar age,
Indifferent to the problems of AIDS.
Stop and let me hear
Ringing sorrow silence.
Let me think about how to live -
No - survive! Give me a minute. Only one.
For screaming, not for silence,
What will reach the galaxies,
Pouring out all the pain and despair,
Earthly outcasts, their grievances.
Their fears, anger, humiliation,
Their sense of guilt
Their gradual transformations
In cripples who returned from the war ...
From the war with myself and the world,
Where they only hit with direct fire
For those who were the crowd's idol,
Who knew love, comfort, coziness.


Stop, planet, run,
Let me look into the eyes of children.
Cold age, cruel age,
You took away a joyful childhood
Instead of love, worries, toys
And the sounds of a quiet lullaby -
Pillows soaked with tears
Hospital box, bed rest ...
Oh, those angels of trouble!
Pure, innocent, blameless.
But HIV - infection traces
They will be thrown into the pool of loneliness.
Look, planet, into their eyes -
You will see your reflection.
Look and - you can not look,
They have a judgment. And there is no forgiveness
To all those who did not help in grief,
He didn't put out his hand.
God does not see, I'm not a prophet,
Their path is marked by losses.
Back to square one
Loss, pain, defeat,
And the boomerangs of life
Reminds me of reflections.
Stop, planet, run,
So that everyone can hear others
And that every person
Found my hope to survive

Gulnur Amangeldinovna: Guys, you already know that December 1 is World AIDS Day,therefore, AIDS Awareness Month starts today November 1st and will run until December 1st. Every day they are full of newspapers, these four letters sound from television screens - AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. No matter what epithets “reward” this deadly disease: “plague death”, “terrible shadow of humanity” ... But even they do not fully reflect the danger that hangs over humanity now, in the last decade of our troubled century.

Sabina: Today we want to talk about HIV/AIDS. Many of you may say, “Well, how much can you talk about the same thing?” After all, each of us thinks that this will not affect us. Nevertheless, it is not for nothing that HIV / AIDS is called the plague of the 21st century. Today on Earth, 20 million people are carriers of HIV infection. Basically, these are young people from 15 to 29 years old. Every year, up to 17 thousand people are infected in the world, of which 10% are children under 14 years of age. 80% of those affected are the working-age population aged 20 to 39 years. If in 2001 95% of all those diagnosed with HIV were injecting drug users, then in 2006 every second person was infected during sexual contact. Among the HIV-infected there are students and schoolchildren, working people. 30% do not study anywhere and do not work, they need employment. Illness leads to isolation and loneliness. HIV-infected mothers give birth to HIV-infected children.

Gulnur Amangeldinovna : There are four main routes for HIV infection to enter the body:

    When breastfeeding;

    During sexual intercourse without a condom;

    When transfusing infected donor blood;

    When pricked with infected needles.

Drug addiction and HIV/AIDS are interconnected things. The jump in the spread of HIV coincides with the outbreak of drug addiction. Many drug addicts have been infected through intravenous drug use, HIV is not transmitted in public places.

Sabina: I think that my peers resort to drugs because their parents, teachers, friends do not like them much. And they don't like themselves very much. You have to love yourself enough to love others with all their shortcomings. To love yourself is to respect yourself and your actions, to love the people who surround you, to enjoy the beauty that you see. If we love ourselves, then we will not cause pain and harm to ourselves and our loved ones. If there is no love in the soul, there is no responsibility to oneself and others, then one can resort to drugs. Those families where there is no love are dysfunctional ...

Gulnur Amangeldinovna : To say “No to drugs!”, you must first of all say “Long live LOVE!” Let's all try together to make our neighbor on the landing, on the landing, feel good both at school and at home, so that he knows that there is a reliable friend nearby.


Pupils come on stage and sing (motif "The bend of the yellow guitar" by O. Mityaev)

September ringing cheerful
Taking us to school
And sonorous childish laughter
Flying somewhere up
And my roommate
Suddenly, as a confession, he will say:
It's great that we are all here
gathered today!

Katia: Not all unfortunately...

Aitim: Why? Has anyone moved to another area?


He died.
Died of an overdose.
He was an outcast in our class
was awkward and unsociable.

Aitim: Earring Vagin? Genka Vasin?

Katia: No! Torokhov Vadim. (gives the guys a photo of Vadim)


I always walked in shabby jeans,
In a wrinkled T-shirt, torn sneakers ...

He doesn't seem to bathe often.
I didn't have lunch in the school cafeteria.

Aitim: Everyone laughed at him ... And often.

Dariga: Ouch! Wow! So unfortunate!

Kaya: You were the first to say, "Whoa!"

Dariga: What about you? Supported him?


Yes, drop your disassembly!
Who? How? Everyone was good! And he was kind of gloomy, silent.


What could he say?
Father is a beast, always drunk
and a scared mother to death.
No video and no guitar.
What do we care about other people's problems!
We have a solid outfit, disco bars,
Yes, to make fun of someone.

Glory: Yes, come on, don't start!


Why are we nannies to these suckers?
He did not want to communicate
walked alone, sweating, puffing.


Not! Once went with me from school,
invited Dimka and me to football.

Glory: And you? Did you go with him?


No, well, now I'm embarrassed,
But I have a workout!
Well, I would have stuck out on football,
I would lose the competition.


One day he was waiting for me from school.
Asked for help with a problem.
Me that day one friend
In the cafe for the first time invited.

Glory: Yes, you say, do not twist.

Vika: Well, how could I not go?

Glory (affirming): And you left.

Vika (guilty): Yes, I left.

Alikhan: Yes, fellow rabbits, business ...


And for my last birthday
I even signed the postcard.

Glory: And how is the final?


What about the final?
You yourself broke it in front of everyone!

Aytim (shouts):

Not! Well, crazy
right, stupid!

Alikhan: And then what?

Nurzhan (with anger):

Basement! punks! Cant! Needle!

Alikhan: It really looks like it.

Everyone is silent.

Vika (quietly):

No, explain to me guys
And what are we to blame for here?


That did not help in anything,
did not support, did not warm.


And failed to figure it out
They could have saved and they didn't.


He did not find friends in the class,
went to look for them in the cellars,
He missed us so much
He was alone with his misfortune.

(looks at photo with tears):

We couldn't save you
forgive us, Vadim, forgive us!

Dariga : To avoid these terrible deaths

Glory : Warm the soul of a friend with your warmth!

Katia: What is the secret of a reliable school fraternity?

Together: Indifference - NO! And heartlessness - NO! Drug addiction - a clear, firm - NO!

Sabina: If each of us did not pass by a friend drinking alcohol, would not dismiss smokers in a public place and would not tolerate foul language, then, of course, our life would be much more moral and cleaner.

Gulnur Amangeldinovna : To never see people close to you in the throes of drug withdrawal or in the torments of AIDS, so as not to stick your poisonous sting into the hands of our friends with a syringe, so as not to see eyes full of fear and tears - say NO! - drugs, alcohol, immorality!

Sabina: The red ribbon has become the symbol of the fight against AIDS. This symbol was proposed by the American artist Frank Moore in 1991.A red ribbon is pinned to clothing.The more people who wear the red ribbon, the stronger the voice of those who demand attention to the AIDS problem will be heard. (hands out class ribbons)


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Prosetskaya average

comprehensive school

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comprehensive school)

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Workplan for the Decade to Fight AIDS

in MBOU Prosetskaya secondary school

1. General data:

1.1. Number of students: 76

1.2. Coverage of children by organized forms: 76 people. 100 %;

1.3. In the first half of the day involved: 76 people. 100 %;

1.4. In the afternoon involved: 54 people. 71%;

2. Sections on the organization of the Decade of Fight against AIDS:


event title



Time and date

Children at risk

classes, number of participants

1. Organizational and methodological

1. Meeting of the participants of the “Decade of the fight against AIDS” (teachers, invited spices

alists). Introduction to the plan.

2. All-school line, acquaintance with the plan of the Decade of the fight against AIDS

3. Making a methodical piggy bank for teachers.

4. Summing up the results of the Decade of the fight against AIDS (meeting with the head teacher)

during the Decade

Kolchina Natalia

1-11 grades

1-11 grades, teachers

1-11 grades, teachers

2. Educational activities

1. Drawing competition "For a healthy lifestyle"

2. Watching the film "There is an alternative" (5 cells)

3. Conversation-dispute "Smoking or health?"

Game "Know how to say NO"

4. Conversation-questionnaire "How do you spend your free time"(7 cells)

5. Conversation-debate "We choose life" (8 cells)

Watching the movie "Drug-Weapon of Suicide"

6. Round table "AIDS - the plague of the XXI century"

7. Watching the movie "Return to Life" (grade 11)

8. Poster competition "We choose life"

Cl. leaders

2.1.Sports and recreation

Outdoor games for students in grades 1-4

Sports game "Sport is an alternative to drugs" (grades 5-7)

MBOU Prosetskaya secondary school,

7th grade students

During the Decade

Kolchina Natalia

3. Working with parents

Pedagogical consultations with watching films on the anti-drug theme "Narcommissars"

Parent Patrol Raid

MBOU Prosetskaya secondary school, class leaders


4. Work of volunteer associations

5. Working with an asset

The work of the Council of Self-Government (issue of a wall newspaper)

MBOU Prosetskaya secondary school,

6. Social-psychological-pedagogical support

Meeting with the head teacher "The work of class teachers to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent bad habits"

Prevention Council

MBOU Prosetskaya secondary school, administration

Deputy director for water resources management

7. Work with society

Meeting with the village health worker

MBOU Prosetskaya secondary school

Kolchina Natalia

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