Why do you dream about firewood in a woodpile? Firewood: why do you dream?

Before you figure out why you dream of firewood, you need to imagine what they are associated with in real life. Of course, first of all with fire and warmth. These are pleasant sensations, but not everything is so clear in the interpretation of dreams. We need to look into this in more detail.

Before you figure out what firewood is for in dreams, you need to imagine what it is associated with in real life.

Seeing firewood stacked in a neat woodpile under a secure canopy in a dream is a good sign. Everything in life goes according to plan. There is complete order at work, harmony and harmony in the family. No shocks are expected in the near future. It may be a little boring, but everything is predictable, without unnecessary stress and tragedy.

If you dreamed of firewood piled in a heap in the middle of the yard, then there are reasons for alarm. There are many problems in real life. Unresolved matters were put aside for a long time, piling up on each other. The result is chaos at work and confusion in your personal life. The time has come to seriously restore order in all areas of your activity.

In a dream, a person sees: the firewood is rotten, knotty and scattered throughout the yard or somehow stacked in a crooked woodpile. This is a bad dream. In reality, illness awaits the dreamer. To prevent a negative prediction, you need to carefully monitor your health and consult a doctor in time.

Seeing firewood stacked in a neat woodpile under a secure canopy in a dream is a good sign

If he carries an armful of firewood into the house, probably for kindling, then in real life nothing falls from the sky for him. He earned every penny through his labor, abilities, and activity. And this will have to be done over a long period of time. That is, it is not yet possible to expect a gift from fate in the form of winnings, inheritance or other easy money.

According to Vanga’s dream book, chopping wood in a dream means you need to be prepared for hard physical labor

Different dream books sometimes interpret completely opposite meanings, determining what is what in a dream. Firewood in this case is no exception. Miller's dream book interprets that chopping logs with an ax is a sign of great aggression. The more chips fly during work, the more fiercely the dreamer will have to defend his interests. Conflicts with relatives, work colleagues, or simply neighbors cannot be ruled out here. But the Slavic dream book in this case, on the contrary, says that this is a good dream. All matters will be resolved quickly and as if by themselves. You can expect pleasant surprises and unexpected gifts.

According to Vanga’s dream book, chopping wood in a dream means you need to be prepared for hard physical labor. Perhaps in the near future there will be construction work or the summer season will open, which means that you will have to dig, plant, and care. If in a dream you chop logs with pleasure, playfully, then in real life physical work will bring good profit and satisfaction.

Why do you dream about firewood (video)

What does working with firewood predict?

I dreamed that you were sawing logs into logs. Surrounded by loved ones, someone has a grudge against you. Discontent has not yet spilled over to its full extent, but is already on the verge of boiling over. There is no need to bring things to a scandal. Try to clarify and resolve differences peacefully.

Why dream of preparing firewood yourself: cutting down dry trees, cutting off branches, loading them onto transport? Most likely, grandiose plans are coming in reality. It doesn't have to be work related. Perhaps dreams of a trip abroad will come true or there will be a move to a new living space.

When figuring out why you dream of firewood in a dream, you can come across many contradictions

Collecting brushwood in the forest means a poor existence. When the forest around is thick and dark, then a good life is still a long way off. But if you see enlightenment ahead and the edge of the thicket, then adversity will not last long.

I have a dream: strangers are putting firewood in a woodpile, and the sleeping person is simply watching. This means that in real life you have to go with the flow. All personal initiatives will be cut off at the root and only those plans proposed by others will be implemented.

If you dream of logs that are already burning in a stove or fireplace, then the dreamer will face some kind of loss. The brighter the fire burns, the greater the loss. Burnt-out firebrands and ash indicate that the dreamer is very disappointed in something. Dissatisfaction can be in both personal relationships and professional terms.

As the dream book interprets, the firewood that the sleeping person buys in a dream carries a negative meaning. In reality there will be a lot of gossip and slander. To protect yourself from troubles, you need to monitor your behavior and actions. Of course, there will always be a reason to rummage through someone else's dirty laundry, but caution will reduce the risks of major troubles.

If the firewood in your dream is prepared for sale, then this is a good sign. The dreamer will soon get rid of unnecessary troubles, and with great success for himself. It will not necessarily be financial profit. Sometimes a barter deal or just reciprocal gratitude is worth more than money.

When figuring out why you dream of firewood in a dream, you can come across many contradictions. But basically all interpreters agree that this is not a very good sign. However, even the most negative prediction can be circumvented and corrected if warned in advance.

Firewood in a dream (video)

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From ancient times the ability to use firewood as fuel for the hearth came to us. Firewood was used to heat the kitchen stoves, to heat the home, and to heat the baths. Now they have been replaced by gas and electricity, but previously firewood was a means of essential necessity for humans. However, even now, in our modern world, firewood finds its admirers: some are not averse to enjoying meat or porridge cooked over a fire, while others like to sit by the fireplace, watching the flames lick the logs, or listen to the quiet crackling of wood while falling asleep . And they have wonderful dreams. Sometimes even about firewood. But not everyone knows why people dream about something like this! But this is not a problem, especially when you have a wise dream interpreter at hand - a dream book! He knows everything about night visions! Let's take a look at the most famous interpreters and find out what the firewood seen in a dream portends to us!

“One plank, two planks...”

Seeing a large armful of firewood in a dream means failure in business and quarrels with a loved one, Miller’s dream book predicts.

I dreamed of a large log prepared for heating the fireplace - a sign that on the coming holiday your plans and dreams will become reality.

If you dream that you are putting firewood in a woodpile, some profitable business awaits you soon.

A bundle of brushwood seen in a dream means that you risk “getting involved” in a dubious deal bordering on a scam. The dream book warns you about the danger of losing a large amount of money.

If you dreamed that you were stacking logs in a huge pile in the yard - expect uninvited guests; if you see dead wood in the middle of the forest - you will be the guest.

“The forest is being cut down - the chips are flying...”

Cutting branches for a fire in a dream - such a dream means that in order to achieve your goals, you will have to make a lot of effort.

Chopping wood and heating the stove with it means well-being and understanding in the family, the Lunar Dream Book promises.

If you dreamed that you were sawing a large log and then chopping it into splinters, in reality a long period of joy and fun awaits you.

Chopping wood with a dull ax means a long and painful explanation of matters to your colleague. Most likely, you will be assigned one job for two, and you will have to explain to your colleague what needs to be done and how.

Dreaming that your late grandfather is chopping wood means the revival of old relationships.

If you dreamed that you had to chop wood for a neighbor, a friend or relative will need your help.

“Burn, burn clearly!..”

Seeing that you are lighting a fire in the hearth means losses, the dream book warns.

If you dream that you are watching wood burning in the fireplace, it means pleasant romantic meetings and dates.

I dreamed that you were carrying brushwood to heat the stove and cook dinner on it - for a noisy and hearty party. Perhaps you will be invited to some kind of celebration.

Burning coals foretell pleasant surprises and surprises for you, the dream book promises.

Seeing charred firewood in a dream means boredom and sadness, and perhaps even disappointment.

Chopping old logs and burning them on a fire - in real life you will get rid of the burden of problems that have fallen on you recently.

“Now a birch tree, now a mountain ash...”

Cutting down a dry tree in a dream means you are on the threshold of a new stage in life, you will have a fight with competitors, from which you will emerge victorious. If the tree was alive in the dream, it means loss and trouble, as Miller’s dream book foretells.

If you have a dream in which you carry chopped birch chips from a barn into the house to light a fireplace with them - be careful in the coming days when communicating with unfamiliar people, there is a high probability that you may be robbed.

Stacking small branches of a birch or other forest tree means minor troubles; fruit branches mean small joys and amenities.

Sawing or collecting coniferous branches and heating a bathhouse with them is a sign of good health or a speedy recovery for those who are sick, the dream book pleases.

“We will survive this trouble”

Seeing that you have to steal firewood means a quarrel with a colleague.

If you dreamed that some man was cutting down your fence, this means gossip and slander; if you destroy someone’s fence, you will slander and weave intrigues, the dream book warns.

Carrying boards in a dream and injuring an arm or leg - the interpretation of this dream is clear in all dream books - means illness.

Firewood in a dream is a symbol of troubles and sorrows, family troubles, death. But all the details of what you see are important.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

Burning means loss. In a bonfire, firewood symbolizes quarrels in the family. Firewood in the stove - wait for frost.

Firewood is scattered, which means there will be general hostility towards you. Do you carry firewood? A good dream: for goodness and money.

Firewood was brought to the yard, which means the woman will die. Chopping wood in a dream means defeating an enemy.

XXI century

Chopping wood means depending on a dishonest, deceitful person.

Did you dream of firewood collected in an armful? Someone will try to drag you into a dubious matter.

If you dreamed that you were knocking down boards, your financial situation will improve. If you sand or cut the boards, there will be a wedding soon.

Did you dream about a woodcutter? You will help someone close to you a lot, and to your own detriment.

Avoid loss or serious danger if you cross the stream on planks, like on a bridge.

Often, firewood is a sign of sadness and tears.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The dream book interprets firewood as a harbinger of family troubles or a spoiled business.

If the firewood is stacked in neat woodpiles, the result of the work will be successful.

Eastern dream book

Did you have to sell firewood in a dream? If you can withstand the upcoming grueling struggle, then success will certainly come.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

You will hear some gossip about yourself if you dreamed that you were buying firewood.

What does it mean if you dreamed that you were collecting firewood in the forest? There is a struggle ahead, it will bring you victory and success.


Burning wood means freeing yourself from enemies. If you dreamed that you were sawing wood, you would suffer.

The one in which they carry firewood is very sad. Someone will die.

Summer dream book

Seeing stacked firewood in a dream, what does it mean? Such a dream is a confirmation of order in affairs, since you are a neat and organized person.


Do you burn wood in a fire or in a stove? In reality, there is a process of liberation from something superfluous and unnecessary.

They are sawing wood, which means they will “saw” you for some sins.

There will be very hard work in the house if you dreamed that they brought firewood and dumped it in a heap in the yard.

Family dream book

If you dreamed of a big log, you can rejoice. Your expectations will definitely come true. Moreover, this will happen on a holiday.

If you saw chopped firewood in a dream, it means superiority over your enemies.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Fate will bring you together again with former colleagues or classmates if in your dream you had to cut a log into wood chips for kindling.

Dream interpretation of firewood

Our great-grandparents used firewood every day. They heated the home, prepared food, heated the bathhouse. We have radically moved away from this method of heating homes and heating food. But still, we go to the forest for barbecues, perhaps sit by the fireplace, or take a steam bath in a real bathhouse. And why they dream, almost no one can say.

Seeing firewood in a dream

If you dream that you started chopping, chopping wood with an ax, or lighting a stove, although you didn’t do this in reality, then you should open the most popular dream books and study this topic.

Opinions of dream books about firewood

If you dreamed of firewood

As the dream book says, firewood is a symbol of the dreamer’s inner world. Folded neatly in a woodpile - you are a thorough person, you have everything laid out on shelves. Scattered around the perimeter - the same chaos happens in your head, you are constantly late, let people down, fail to meet the deadline.

Miller's Dream Book

Lots of wood, dream of a quarrel with your significant other. The dream means that your affairs are not in the best condition.

A big log is a positive dream. Plans must be implemented, and this will happen at the time of some kind of celebration.

Cutting wood - you will be accused of infidelity.

Throwing them into the fire and seeing them burn, according to Miller, will become free from addictions or attachments.

You dream of a woodpile, you carefully stack wooden blocks - the business will bring profit.

Velesov's dream book

Dreaming of firewood usually symbolizes family troubles, boredom and sadness.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Why do you dream about firewood? All the work and troubles that have occupied you lately are useless.
  • Build something from firewood - improve your financial situation.
  • If you dream about buying logs, you will be sad.
  • The logs are thrown across the river, you can cross, which means you will avoid big troubles.
  • Chopping boards with an ax means you will fall under the influence of a dishonest person.
  • Drowning anything with them means financial costs and material losses.
  • As the dream book says, firewood scattered throughout the yard means adversity, various troubles.
  • Carefully stacking an armful of firewood will suggest an outlaw enterprise.

Aesop's Dream Book

Why do you dream about wooden blocks? This is not a prediction for your future. According to the dream book, this is a sign that the time has come to pay old debts and collect the fruits of one’s deeds. Boards and branches are what remains of a living, mighty tree as a result of its destruction.

If you cut wood

If you wield an ax with ease, so that the chips fly in different directions, you are too careless and do not think about tomorrow. Meanwhile, life has already prepared a lesson for you, and it will not be a pleasant one.

Different interpretations of dream books

Firewood and boards are one of those symbols that dream books interpret in completely different ways. While some of them predict quick enrichment and material wealth, others give very disappointing forecasts, even death.

Why do you dream of a deceased grandfather chopping wood with an ax?

What kind of dreams do not visit us at night? There is nothing strange in the fact that your late grandfather appeared to you. Firstly, such a dream may mean your attitude towards it. Perhaps you and your late grandfather were very close, you miss him, so he appears in your dreams.

But why dream that your late grandfather is chopping wood? Especially if it is this detail that you remember most clearly. The most terrible interpretation, which can be found in rare dream books, says that the late grandfather, thus, lets you know that he is preparing a place for someone near him.

This means that grief will soon enter your family - the death of a blood relative.

Although, your grandfather may warn you that you should be more attentive to your health and protect the health of your nearest and dearest.

Why do you dream of heating a bathhouse?

If the bathhouse was heated Dream books interpret differently the dream in which you heat a bathhouse. Some argue that such dreams occur when you meet your mother; you will soon go to visit her. Others say that heating a bathhouse is harmful to health in real life.

But they immediately correct that if you heated your own bathhouse, you will receive a reward for your efforts, a diploma, a medal, an award.

Nostradamus believed that heating a bathhouse with wood meant incidents that would greatly irritate you.

If you collect spruce branches to kindle the bathhouse, you will feel excellent, or your sick relative will recover.

Read the interpretations

  • Stacking birch logs means troubles are expected along the path of life, but they will be minor. If these are chips from a fruit tree - great joy and happiness.
  • Birch branches, logs that you bring into the house and light a fireplace with them - there is a danger of scammers above you, do not trust people you don’t know well.
  • If, while you are sawing, stabbing with an axe, collecting or stacking logs, you injure your arm or leg, you will be overcome by illness.
  • Seeing the remains of logs burning is a pleasant surprise.
  • Some dream books believe that if the dreamer cuts wood, it means that in reality someone “saved” him, received a scolding from his boss, listened to the complaints of his other half, and so on.
  • If in a dream you are sitting peacefully by the fireplace, watching the logs burn, this means a romantic meeting, a date.
  • Chopping wood with a dull ax means trouble with colleagues. Most likely, you will also painfully bring them up to date, while the lion's share of the work will remain on you.

Firewood in a dream is a very contradictory sign. It has both good and bad meanings. To give a correct interpretation of these dreams, you need to remember in detail all the features of what you saw.

Usually they foreshadow difficulties of varying degrees, minor problems and troubles. There are other interpretations, more sad, since firewood is a direct connection with, and they are made from wood. But if the firewood lies neatly stacked, then this indicates that your affairs are in order, since you are a person who is careful in his affairs.

Chopped firewood in a dream

Chopped firewood seen in a dream, symbolize the emergence of many small worries and troubles. If they lie in a village in a hut under the images, to . Chopped firewood prepared for, and not in reserve, means that there are things ahead of you from which you can suffer a lot of losses. Chop wood and stack it neatly- to the fact that now things are on the rise and prosperous times lie ahead. Chopped and scattered around is a bad sign; it promises deterioration of affairs due to carelessness. Chopped firewood gets wet under– to losses and quarrels in the family, as well as to conflict situations at work.

Firewood in the woodpile

Seeing firewood neatly stacked in a woodpile- is a symbol of thoroughness and thriftiness. If they are crammed somehow, then this foreshadows losses, damages and waste, which will further affect the general financial situation.

If rotten ones are visible among the firewood, it means that a cunning and insidious enemy is hiding among friends, especially new ones.

The woodpile is half full - your work has not yet been completed, you will have to put in a lot of effort to complete it.

Stacked firewood on the ground- to or serious illness. Folded and ready for the fire - indicates that everything is ready to start a big and new business. Firewood not stacked independently - such a dream suggests that someone in your life is making decisions for you. And when you look at a pile of firewood that you stacked yourself, then your life is completely in your hands. The firewood is stacked perfectly evenly, they say that everything in life is under control, but they want to get rid of this control, for example, grown-up children want to break free from care and start an independent life.

Stack firewood

Stack firewood- means putting everything in your life in order after things have gone badly wrong. Stacking scattered firewood means that you will have to eliminate the consequences of major quarrels and scandals in the family, that is, make significant concessions to family members or. Stacking firewood in a woodpile, such a dream foreshadows a quick settlement, and the pleasant troubles associated with it. Stacking freshly chopped or brought firewood from the forest symbolizes that in the near future you will have to spend a lot on things necessary for the household.

Firewood seen in a dream in your yard, this is a warning that the house is in danger. In life you should behave more carefully and prudently, it is not indicated what kind of danger it is, it could be other troubles. Firewood is scattered randomly - this means there will be many obstacles in life, partly because you yourself will be to blame, because you neglected things, or quarreled with people who could help you. Firewood is rotten or damp- this means that in life in the near future everything will go on without a “light”. From the yard, then there will be serious losses or great losses in life.

In car

full of logs bought for the house- this is a symbol that your economy is strengthening, business is on the rise and everything is fine.

Going on a picnic, by car, and in the trunk there are chopped logs for a fire, such a dream suggests that in real life there will be a lot of expenses to eliminate vulgar mistakes.

If firewood was brought to your house, then your financial situation will become stronger. Unload the car with firewood yourself- this means difficult and exhausting work, which will not be beneficial. Firewood on the seat is a symbol that someone may unfairly take your place through intrigue and false accusations.

The logs burn and crackle pleasantly, this is a good sign, it indicates that everything in your life is going as it should. But if they go out or smoke heavily, then you should beware of the machinations of dangerous enemies. They just lie in the stove, not burning, such a dream suggests that the dreamer is faced with a decisive choice, perhaps the most important one for the near future. very bright, but does not bark warmth, which means betrayal and deception await you in life. Burning and coals fell to the floor and began- this is a warning sign that moderation must be observed in everything, otherwise disaster is not far away.

In the apartment

Firewood in an apartment is an unnecessary thing, and if you had such a dream, then in real life you will find many unnecessary and sometimes unpleasant things. Logs are scattered around the apartment- to empty and hard work, for which there will be no gratitude. Folded neatly in the hallway, then in real life, you should expect an unpleasant visit. Firewood in or in the closet is a sign that a very unpleasant truth about a loved one will soon be revealed to you. The whole apartment is filled with logs and it is impossible to walk around it, this is a very bad symbol, meaning the arrival of great grief in your home, which will occupy your entire soul and there will be no place for another in it for a long time.

Boards in a dream mean unreliability and fragility, as well as many sorrows. Seeing a lot of boards, of different sizes from small to huge, is such a dream, a harbinger. To build something from boards is to start an empty business in reality, which will only result in frustration and losses. Burn old boards, means that it’s time to get rid of the unnecessary things in life that prevent you from growing and developing. Buying boards, such a dream has a double meaning: you can become a victim of deceivers, or get involved in dubious matters, on the verge of an adventure, but the business can bring great profits.

Miller's Dream Book

Carrying an armful of firewood in a dream, which means that in real life there will be quarrels in the family, scandals at work, and small empty expenses. If they brought you a huge log, then this is a good sign, it means a joyful event from your relatives. Sawing or chopping wood, such a dream means that in reality you are in danger of becoming a victim of a false accusation.

Burn wood– to liberation from dependencies and attachments that interfere with life.

Sell ​​firewood- get rid of unnecessary things profitably. Preparing firewood for the winter means that in real life you will have to switch to saving mode for a while. Stacking firewood in a woodpile means that the attempt to catch up has failed.

A dream where you see logs in your neighbors yard, portends a quarrel with them. Seeing it in your yard means that you have a lot of neglected affairs and the time of reckoning for this will soon come. Lighting the stove means solving current problems with varying degrees of success. Firewood stacked in a woodpile, such a dream foreshadows an improvement in business, getting a new position or an increase in salary. If you see firewood or planks at home in a dream, it means the death of a loved one, a lot of planks - death will be painful. Build something from planks- to thankless work and wasted expenses. Transporting logs or boards in a car, means to take trouble away from yourself. Logs scattered around your yard mean that urgent problems will be solved in the near future.

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