Statuses about actions. Aphorisms and quotes about actions Only actions speak

The consequences of any action are contained in the action itself.

Any human action has two explanations, one imaginary, the other true.

“Act according to your own conscience, but at the same time understand that your conscience can be wrong.”

What is love? These are good deeds. Conscious and unconscious. Perfect for the sake of a living being, without whom you cannot imagine your existence...

Actions can tell a lot more about a person than a thousand words.

You need to learn to see and notice every little thing, every seemingly insignificant act that your loved one does for you.

Work on clearing your thoughts. If you don't have bad thoughts, you won't have bad actions.

The more sincere a person is, the more readily he admits that everything that is done for others is actually done for oneself...

The choice of each person is in the area of ​​his Values. Needs are just an excuse to justify your own actions.
Serge Goodman

Meanness is not worthy of justification.

The past still remains the past, with its mistakes, ideas and misdeeds.

Just as we determine our actions, so our actions determine us.

Only our actions change our lives. Take action!!!

Good is rewarded with good. Boomerang effect.

Think well and your thoughts will mature into good deeds.

People act according to the situation and often make mistakes, but animals act according to intuition and are happy. It turns out that in order to act from the heart, you need to become an animal?

Often they try to justify even the most disgusting actions with noble motives...

In life, everyone does things that have the most unexpected consequences - sometimes it comes back to haunt you in ways you couldn’t even imagine.

Set a goal to do something every day that you don't like. This golden rule will help you perform your duty without disgust.

When you don’t know what’s yours, it’s better to lose than to make a mistake.

If you want me to respect you, you must first do something worthy of respect.

If words are not backed up with actions, you stop believing in them...

You need to be able to write down evil deeds on water, and good deeds on stone.

Unfortunately, we are not always so resourceful in our answers that our souls don’t ache later: I said something wrong here, I was wrong there.

We sometimes unknowingly do things that we ourselves are afraid to experience. To hurt others... you need to be held accountable for these actions...

We cannot perform great deeds - only small ones, but with great love.

A person is valued for his actions, but some people need to be valued at least for their intentions to do something, otherwise they will completely give up.

Always do as you see fit. And it doesn’t matter what the consequences will be. But remember that you have to pay for everything.

Actions are taken, conclusions are drawn, people change, people hope.

What exists today is the result of the thoughts of the past.

Haste leads to repentance, and caution leads to prosperity.

You can explain and justify previous actions only by committing new ones.

The most insignificant good deed is many times more valuable than forced abstinence from evil.

I don't like living in a world where right actions are so rare that they begin to be considered kind...

It’s so difficult to decide on something really important... but there may not be another chance...

Those who speak beautiful words usually spoil behind their backs.

There is no need to explain anything for a girl - she will explain everything to herself and deceive herself. Most importantly, don’t bother her!

The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your actions will be.

Sometimes rash actions lead to deliberate breakups.

Do not take impulsive actions, they will turn out to be steps in the wrong direction.

You want to take the one you love and, like a kitten in a puddle, poke them at your good deeds with the words: “Who did this? I did it! For you!"

The style of modern men is to behave like a woman and expect masculine actions from a woman.

Your heart may be strong, but just one action can break it...

Actions committed by others are often perceived by us as something terrible. But once you do the same thing yourself, you already feel that you are right.

Most of our life is spent on mistakes and bad deeds; a significant part passes in inaction, and almost always the whole life is that we do the wrong thing

There is only one explanation for all my actions - it’s me.

Even a guardian angel can go to another person if you clip his wings with your unseemly actions!

Only our man, for the sake of “hell knows why,” is capable of amazing deeds!

He did everything for her, it seems, everything that was possible, with the exception of one thing: he forgot to ask whether all these efforts of his were capable of making her happy.

Love should be in the eyes and actions. And in words you can take over France.

Our actions speak for us)))

The rule “better late than never” only works in cases where it is not too late.

Sometimes we love people for their actions and words, but we hate them for them.

Do not forget that there will always be a person who is not indifferent to all your actions.

In the name of love, we perform feats, sometimes crazy things, we swear eternal love... but most often the heart desires the tender embrace of a loved one, in which you feel safe and the three words “I LOVE YOU”

How tired we are of people who look for profit in everything and are located where it is more prestigious and profitable for them...

A man does not have to be beautiful, his actions must be beautiful.

A thousand words will not leave the same mark as one action...

I'm not afraid of changes in my life... I'm not afraid of crazy things... I'M AFRAID THAT NO ONE WILL APPRECIATE THIS!!!

If you think that meekness is a sign of weakness, try being meek for at least a week.

Trust is not easy to get. It takes years and actions. But you can lose it in just a couple of seconds.

By committing evil deeds and keeping evil thoughts in his head, a person dooms himself to the invasion of troubles into his life...

You will never understand another person if you impose a pattern of your own behavior on his actions.

Do you want to evaluate a person? Watch the little things, because in big actions a person controls himself.

Statuses about actions

Here is the undeniable truth of life - a person’s actions speak louder than his words! A person can and should be judged only by his actions.

Words are cheap. And actions mean a lot. The truth is where your man can prove himself. And you can observe his actions and reactions to various situations from the outside. This truth is obvious, and is good practice for understanding what the chosen man preaches.

In response to a woman's question, "How do I know he can be trusted?" you must remember that much can be determined by a man's actions. Answer the questions: How does he feel about me? How does he treat my friends and relatives? How does he feel about my pet? How does he feel about the cashier at the supermarket? What about the janitor?

Real men only do what they say and are always responsible for their words. A real man, a good man and a decent man can be determined by the sequence of actions. To find out the whole truth about a person, pay close attention to him for several weeks, and then ask yourself the question: “Is he really who he says he is?” A man's actions will answer this question for you.

Recently, we spoke with a couple who had been married for almost 20 years. And suddenly the wife decided to leave. Why only now did she decide to end the relationship, because they had lived together for a very long time? We wanted to find out the reason. The fact is that for 20 years her husband abused her and their children, although he assured everyone around him of his immeasurable love for them. But actions speak louder than words!

The truth is that you cannot truly love your children by constantly scolding and telling them off. You are not able to sincerely love someone whom you suppress and point out his shortcomings and weaknesses.

When you love someone, you learn to live with their flaws and mistakes. At the end of the day, you love a person because they simply are and fill your heart with warmth and joy.

We all make mistakes. And we do stupid things from time to time. And the truth is, we probably won't get rid of the shortcomings we have. One-time mistakes are forgivable. But repeated actions show the true essence of a man, and only you can decide whether this man is worthy of being with you and whether you can accept his shortcomings.

Psychologists say that habitual behavior and thinking are developed in a person in childhood and, for the most part, remain as a person grows up. Of course, some people can hide their real character for some time. But if you observe them long enough, you can reveal the true essence of these people.

When you fall in love with a man, initially observe his actions. And if they disagree with the words, do not lie to yourself and do not entertain illusions. Too often we fall in love blindly and pay too much attention to words and promises than to actions.

When you fall in love with a man, don't ignore the signs. Don't ignore the discrepancies between words and actions, and you will be rewarded with a man who will truly love you and whom you can trust endlessly. Value actions, not words!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is approaching, which has traditionally become a men's day, regardless of military service. All the time, girls and women wait for warm and affectionate words from their halves, and now it’s time to pay attention to men. To do this, we offer a selection of quotes, aphorisms and sayings. Add them to your statuses, let everyone know that your man is the best.

Of course, not all men deserve attention. There are also those personnel who can hardly be called men. A man who is capable of offending a woman, abandoning a child, cheating, or committing some other stupid act does not deserve the right to be called a Man.

To become a real man, it is not enough just to be born one. To do this you need to be purposeful and educated. A real man is one who can become a support and protection for his family.

For a man, words are not as important as actions. You can talk long and beautifully about something and promise something, but do nothing. But perfect actions reveal the male essence in the best possible way. A real man will never commit a heinous act.

Men are freedom-loving by nature, they know how to value friendship. A woman’s mission is precisely to give a man this freedom and be sure that he will return. A real man will never allow himself to do anything more than meet with friends; he will always return to his beautiful and loving woman.

The ideal man is the one who creates events, and is not their consumer.

Brave actions are events, and they lead to the right to be called an Ideal Man.

A man with self-esteem and intelligence is never ugly.

A man who does not know his worth has no right to be called real.

The mark of a real man is not the suffering he has endured, but the lessons he has learned from his suffering.

A man is, first of all, a person, he can also suffer, but his mission is not to wait until they regret it, but to draw the right conclusions and move on with their lives.

A real man is one who can handle everything and not give a damn.

The real ones will move mountains, the rest won’t even shake a hand...)

Real men have the right to cry, but not in front of a girl.

The difference between a man is not not to cry at all, but to do it when no one is looking.

A real man will always achieve what a woman wants.

If he doesn’t care what a woman wants, then be careful - it’s fake!

About strong and weak men

The Rule of a Real Man: My problems are my problems, your problems are our problems.

A real man will always think and decide for two.

Weak men have mistresses, and strong men have strong families.

Family is too tough for the weak.

A strong man will do everything to make his woman want to become weak.

Women are not weak, they only become weak when a strong man appears next to them...

A man must fight, because a woman chooses the strong, brave and persistent, and not those who give up and leave at the slightest quarrel.

The peculiarity of men is that when they hear “no”, they do everything possible to get a “yes” next time.

Weak men act to satisfy their needs, strong men act to satisfy their sense of duty.

Men live their whole lives satisfying their debt: first to their mother, then to the state, then to their wife...

They say: “Men love strong women.” It is weak men who love strong women. And strong men love weak women. And only a real man loves a woman for who she is!!!

Even the weakest woman can become the strongest if there is an idiot nearby.

Wise and meaningful

There are three things that need to be affirmed in boys and young men - the duty of a man, the responsibility of a man, the dignity of a man.

Whether a man becomes real largely depends on the woman - his mother.

A man looks for a reflection of himself in a woman.

The woman's task is to support him.

Men have the same exaggerated ideas about their strengths as women have about their shortcomings.

The main thing is not to have shortcomings, but to be sure that there are none...)))

A man who could lay his pride at the feet of his beloved woman deserves the most devoted love.

When a man constantly gives in and makes compromises, he is in love.

A man doesn't have to be handsome. A man must be a man.

A man should not watch his manicure, but his actions.

A man must be stubborn and firm in matters of life. But soft and sensitive with his woman.

The ability to combine hardness and softness is a feature of real men.

Funny and cool aphorisms

A man has no right to connect the words “I” and “tired.” He can say once in his life: “There is no more strength!” - and die.

To say that you are tired is the same as saying - look for someone else...)

A man is a creature that can wait three hours straight for a bite and is unable to wait 15 minutes while his wife gets dressed.

I need to buy an aquarium for home, while he catches fish, I’ll just get ready...)))

Only men can wear two socks at once, because one has a hole in the heel, and the other is torn on the toe.

They are not smart enough to take new ones from the closet, they probably wait out of habit, like in childhood, for their mother to bring...

A man needs a wife because not everything in life can be blamed on the government.

You still have to pay deductions from your salary here and there, but you can accuse your wife of something else...

Cats and men are alike. If they suddenly become affectionate, it means that they either need something from you, or have already done something wrong somewhere.

Soon everyone will start having cats instead of men, there is a better chance of accustoming them...

A man is like a ball: when a woman lets him go, he unravels, and when she picks him up, he unwinds...

When the threads completely unravel, they are thrown away...

Sayings about beloved men

For men, driving is like having sex. Almost everyone thinks that they can do it better than others...

And so they think until they are fined...)

The guy is like parquet - if it doesn’t stick, just hammer it!

You need to follow technology in everything, even in relationships...)

Women invented real men to scare their husbands.

There are exactly as many real virtual men as there are married ones.

Always say what you think and do what you think is right - this is your life and no one will live it better than you. - Jean Reno

Do not do what your conscience condemns, and do not say what is not in accordance with the truth. Observe this most important thing and you will complete the whole task of your life.
- Marcus Aurelius

You can blame others for everything and despair, or you can get up early every day and persistently achieve success. - Luke Daly

A person who rejoices in the happiness of other people will always be happy himself.
- Geshe Jampa Thinley

Keep your soul light. Against all odds, no matter what. This is the light by which the same bright souls will find you.

A person has two lives, and the second begins when he understands that there is only one life.
- Tom Hiddleston

Make as many mistakes as possible, just remember one thing: don’t make the same mistake twice. And you will grow.
- Osho

When changes appear in your life, you can be sure that they are only for the better. Of course, it may not look like this at the time of change, but if you wait a while and trust the process, you will see that it is true.
- Neil Donald Walsh

If you do something beautiful and sublime, and no one notices, don’t be upset: the sunrise is generally the most beautiful sight in the world, but most people are still sleeping at this time.
- John Lennon

Pride and arrogance are the servants of the devil. If you can't control them, they will start controlling you.
- Al Pacino

Never explain anything to anyone - everyone will still understand in a way that is beneficial to them.
- Al Pacino

The word of a loved one heals better than all the doctors in the world. And he kills faster than all the executioners.
- Al Pacino

It is easy to deceive the eye, but it is difficult to deceive the heart.
- Al Pacino

I don't have time to hate those who hate me.
- Al Pacino

The key to success is desire. And it constantly burns within me.
- Al Pacino

All human opinions are relative: everyone looks at things as they see fit.
- Wilhelm Windelband

Good must be done carefully. Sometimes by helping your neighbor, you deprive him of experience that will later help him survive.

And then you come to that age when you finally understand that small actions are much more serious than big words.
- Alisa Romanova

Millions of people have chosen to avoid sensitivity. They became thick-skinned, and only to protect themselves so that no one could hurt them. But the price is very high. No one can hurt them, but no one can make them happy either.
- Osho

It’s disgusting when a person’s words contain high beliefs, and his actions contain low deeds.

“Judge not, lest ye be judged.” (Matt. 7:1), (1 Cor. 14:24)

The sins of others You are so eager to judge, start with your own and will not get to others.
- William Shakespeare

Why judge other people? Think about yourself more often. Each sheep will be hung by its tail. What do you care about other ponytails?
- Matrona of Moscow

Strange! A person is indignant at the evil that comes from outside, from others - that which he cannot eliminate, and does not fight his own evil, although this is in his power.
- Aurelius Marc Antoni

A perfect person looks for everything in himself, an insignificant person - in others.
- Confucius

A smart person will find a way out of any negative situation, but a wise person will not allow it.
- Boreev Georgy “Alien civilizations of Atlantis”

Pleasure is perishable - honor is immortal.
- Periander

Life is a train station... life is a place where you cannot live.
- Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

I'd rather hire someone with passion than someone who knows everything.
- John Davison Rockefeller

I always try to see only the good in people; they themselves will show the bad.

I do not care what you think of me. I do not think about you at all.
- Coco Chanel

It is better to acquit ten guilty than to accuse one innocent.
- Catherine the Great

Never lie to someone who trusts you. Never trust someone who lied to you.
- Amy Winehouse

Only an immature person worries about what they will say about him or what they will call him. It doesn’t matter what you call sakura, whatever you call it, it still blooms divinely.
- Sakuma Shozan

Depression is not a sign of weakness - it is a sign that you have been trying to be strong for too long.
- Sigmund Freud

The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He reaches with his nose to where his soul has not grown.
- Omar Khayyam

We learned to fly in the sky like birds. We learned to swim in the ocean like fish. Now all that remains is to learn to live on earth like people.
- George Bernard Shaw

Nothing happens in vain. If you did something, it means that at that specific moment in your life, at that specific stage of your development, there was meaning in this action. And if it seems to you that you could have acted differently, know that you could not.
- Hank Moody

Everyone goes their own way. But all roads still go nowhere. This means that the whole point is in the road itself, how you walk along it... If you walk with pleasure, then this is your road. If you feel bad, you can leave it at any time, no matter how far you go. And it will be right.
- Carlos Castaneda

If you want to praise someone, do it immediately, but if you scold, put it off until tomorrow: perhaps you will decide that this is not worth doing.
- Maksim Gorky

A smart person loves to learn, and a fool loves to teach.
- Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Usually those who throw mud at others draw this mud from their souls. But here’s the paradox: this doesn’t make their soul cleaner and the dirt in it doesn’t decrease.

There is nothing more monstrous than what we can inspire ourselves.
- Bernard Show

Most people get angry because of grievances that they themselves have created by attaching deep meaning to trifles.
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca

You are controlled by the one who makes you angry.
- Lao Tzu

When you do good to people, kind people appreciate it, indifferent people forget, and arrogant people become even more arrogant.

The more a person has within himself, the less he expects from others.
- Irwin Yalom

Don't try to help anyone out by doing their inner work for someone else. If you start offering a crutch to a person again and again, he will certainly learn to limp.
- Chuck Hillig, "Seeds for the Soul"

“If I could go back and start over, I would start eating healthy and exercising non-stop. Then I found excuses for myself, but did not imagine the consequences.”

Everyone thinks differently. If you think it's true, then it's true. Man creates his own truth.
- Igor Khobotov

Actions are always more important than words. A person is capable of yelling for two hours and still helping. Or lisp for two years - and betray.
- Al Pacino

When driving a nail into your soul, remember that even if you pull it out with your apologies, you will still leave a hole there that will heal for a long time and torment its owner. Don't hurt those who love you with all their hearts.

Always be yourself and say what you feel. Those who judge do not matter, and those who matter do not judge.
- Dr. Seuss

Train stations saw more sincere kisses than registry offices, and the walls of hospitals may have heard more sincere prayers than churches.

A person does not have the opportunity to do good to everyone, but he has the opportunity not to harm anyone.

Give me the media and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs.
- Joseph Goebbels

Stay simple and you will become great. Proceed slowly and you will arrive soon. Throw away vanity and great good will come true. Follow the deep path and it will be quickly passed.
- Milarepa

Don't live tomorrow. Live today so that you don’t regret anything. For many people there will be no tomorrow. This is the mortal essence of man.

The weak never forgive. The ability to forgive is a property of the strong.
- Mahatma Gandhi

Distance doesn't spoil anything. The age difference doesn't spoil anything. Parents' opinions do not spoil anything. People ruin everything. Sami.
- Bernard Show

If some sheep shits on your soul, forgive it - it is out of fear!

When the game ends, the king and pawn fall into the same box.
- Italian proverb

There is a class of people who will spit in your soul and will also behave as if you had offended them and should ask for forgiveness.

Don’t clog your memory with grievances, otherwise there may simply be no room left for beautiful moments.
- Fedor Dostoevsky

“There is no medicine that can cure what happiness can cure.”
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez

A person who doesn't make mistakes usually doesn't make anything at all.
- Edward Phelps

Try to be the master of your appetite, otherwise you will be very surprised when you first find yourself a slave to this sin, and then it will be the turn of its black assistant - death.
- Milton

It is better to undereat occasionally than to overeat all the time.
- Abu-l-Faraj

Never regret anything: sometimes troubles happen for good, and dreams don’t come true for the better.
- Oleg Roy

Sometimes you need to simulate a shipwreck so that the rats escape from it.

We need to eat and drink so much that our strength is restored and not suppressed.
- Cicero

No one should exceed the limit in food or drink.
- Pythagoras

We cripple life with our follies and vices, and then we complain about the troubles that follow them, and say that misfortune is inherent in the very nature of things.
- Bovey K.

A can of beer, a cigarette in hand, love for money - the world is going downhill. With all my heart I want it to be fashionable to have a child, to be natural and to lead a healthy lifestyle.
- Mike Tyson

By helping lazy people, you help them sit on your neck.
- Han Xiangzi

There are three things that most people are afraid of: trusting, telling the truth and being yourself.

May you have a heart that never hardens, and a character that never spoils, and a touch that never hurts.

The biggest mistake is that we give up quickly. Sometimes, to get what you want, you just have to try one more time.

Remember that what you want is not always what you really need
- Dalai Lama

Kunti said, “You can forgive your enemies, but not your family members. Plants come to life through water. Therefore, trees do not drown in water. The day the trees are immersed in water will be the end of the world. And when a family cheats, then that dynasty is heading towards destruction.. "
- Mahabharata 2013

Our big flaw is that we give up too quickly. The surest path to success is to always try one more time.
- Thomas Edison

Do not be sad! Life loves to create darkness so that later it can shine brighter with its bright side!
- Paulo Coelho.

When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself: “What should I do?” In the evening, before falling asleep: “What have I done?”
- Pythagoras

Poor, unsuccessful, unhappy and unhealthy is the one who often uses the word "tomorrow".
- Robert Kiyosaki

I want it. So it will be.
- Henry Ford

I didn't fail. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work.
- Thomas Edison

Hard work is the accumulation of easy things that you didn't do when you should have done them.
- John Maxwell

The lesson I learned and followed throughout my life was to try, and try, and try again - but never give up!
- Richard Branson

A cat cannot be a hypocrite. If a cat loves you, you know it. If he doesn’t love you, you know that too.
- Stephen King

When a person begins to feel sorry for himself or come up with excuses for his failures, he begins to gradually die.
- Napoleon Hill

Mocking the suffering of others should not be forgiven.
- A.P. Chekhov

- Adriano Celentano

Pay for evil with sincerity, and pay for good with goodness.
- Confucius

If my absence does not change anything in your life, then my presence in it no longer matters.

Good people will bring you happiness, bad people will reward you with experiences, the worst will give you a lesson, and the best will give you memories. Appreciate everyone.
- Will Smith

Decency and honesty are too expensive gifts. And you shouldn’t expect them from cheap people.
- Woody Allen

We often repeat that a person is judged by his deeds, but sometimes we forget that a word is also an action. A person's speech is a mirror of himself. Everything false and deceitful, vulgar and vulgar, no matter how we try to hide it from others, all emptiness, callousness or rudeness breaks through in speech with the same force and obviousness with which sincerity and nobility, the depth and subtlety of thoughts and feelings are manifested.
- Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

“When you do something for others from the heart, without expecting gratitude, someone out there writes it in the book of fate and sends happiness that you never dreamed of.”
- Angelina Jolie

It is much nobler to admit your mistake than to let things go beyond repair.
- Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

In disputes, the truth is forgotten. The one who is smarter stops the argument.
- Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Just know and believe that everything that happens to you leads you to your true, spiritual good, and you will encounter illness, poverty, shame - all that is considered by people as disasters - not as disasters, but as something what is needed for your good, just as a farmer takes the rain needed for his field, which has worn him out, like a sick person takes bitter medicine.
- Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

"- She was such a woman that her eyes penetrated my heart, my lips, my mind. I would not have traded even one single glance for anything in this world. Every time she said - Suleiman - I found myself in Paradise. She was not only a woman - she was poetry, a flower, my love, my sultana, she was everything! Kindness is disarmament; but both nations and people only talk about it and never put it into practice.
- Etienne Rey

“If you are unhappy with the place you occupy, change it! You are not a tree!”
- Jim Rohn

“The Lord is more willing to tolerate those who completely deny him than those who compromise him.”
- Victor Cherbullier

You can get everything you need if you really need it.
- Ray Bradbury

“The only way to get to the top of the ladder is to climb one step at a time, one step at a time. And in the process of this ascent, you will suddenly discover in yourself all the necessary qualities, skills and abilities needed to achieve success, which you seemingly never possessed.”
- Margaret Thatcher

“Have the courage to use YOUR mind.”
- Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), German philosopher

“Unfortunately, the world is not what it used to be. Children have stopped obeying their parents, everyone wants to write a book. The end of the world is near."
- Papyrus Prissa, approximately 3350 BC.

“When you do something for others from the heart, without expecting gratitude, someone writes it in the book of fate and sends happiness that you never even dreamed of.”
- Angelina Jolie (b. 1975), American actress, fashion model, public figure

If you have a dream, take care of it! People who can’t do something will insist that you can’t do anything either. Set a goal, achieve it! And period.
- Mark Nielson

The cure for all my sufferings was laid within me from the very beginning.
- Bruce Lee

Even if you are right, this does not mean that they will believe you. We must fight for the truth.
- Sergey Bodrov

We are not people having spiritual experiences. We are souls having a human experience.
- P. Chardin

Strive for happiness, and the universe will open doors for you where previously there were only walls.
- Joseph Campbell

Unscrupulous speakers try to make the bad seem good.
- Plato

You can be anyone, but either be what you look like or look like you are.
- Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi

Where a person resists, there is his prison.
- Epictetus

Always say what you think and do what you think is right - this is your life and no one will live it better than you.
- Jean Reno

“If you once forgive a person’s action, never remember it again and do not reproach it. This is low and illogical.”

Remember, not getting what you want is sometimes luck.
- Dalai Lama

What appears to us to be difficult trials is sometimes actually a blessing in disguise.
- Oscar Wilde

As soon as you stop taking everything to heart, you will immediately feel an extraordinary surge of freedom.
- Miguel Ruiz

There is only one important thing for everyone in life - to improve your soul. Only in this one task is there no hindrance for a person, and only from this task does a person always feel joyful.
- Lev Tolstoy

A truly noble person is not born with a great soul, but makes himself such through his magnificent deeds.
- Petrarch Francesco

Let every mistake teach you a great lesson.
- Sri Chinmoy

To be fair, you must first be kind. And to be kind means to understand that all people make mistakes.
- Adriano Celentano

The most important component of the success formula is the ability to get along with people.
-Theodore Roosevelt

Don't explain too much. Every explanation hides an apology.
- Carlos Castaneda

We know a person not by what he knows, but by what he rejoices in.
- Tagore

True fasting is the removal of evil, abstinence of the tongue, suppression of anger, excommunication of lusts, slander, lies and perjury.
- Saint Basil the Great

Many of us hide from ourselves and don't even know who we are. We do not understand our feelings and desires. And life is a journey in which we discover ourselves.
- Louise Hay

If you want to succeed, avoid the six vices: sleepiness, laziness, fear, anger, idleness and indecisiveness.
- Confucius

A person is valuable when his words match his actions.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
When it seems to you that a goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change your action plan.
- Confucius

The longer I live, the more I understand that the main thing in life is to know exactly what you want and not allow yourself to be misled by those who think they know better.
- Pelham Granville Woodhouse

There are some tears that you absolutely have to cry, at any time of the day or night, to cry so that everything inside burns out.
- Stephen King

The limit of stupidity is to draw an apple as it is. Just draw a worm, tormented by love, and a dancing lobster with castanets, and let elephants flutter over the apple, and you will see for yourself that the apple is superfluous here.
- Salvador Dali

Lately my life has become difficult. I see that I have begun to understand too much.
- L.N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace"

Stop making meaningless, weak excuses and accept the truth: you are either stupid, lazy, or don't care.
- Larry Winget

You can break almost anyone if you have the desire. But putting a broken person in order is hard work, not everyone will undertake this.
- Max Fry

What does the marble from which the sculptor carves a masterpiece think? He thinks: “They beat me, spoil me, insult me, break me, I’m dead.” Marble is an idiot.
- Jean Cocteau

Everything is possible. The impossible simply takes longer.
- Dan Brown

Think how difficult it is to change yourself, and you will understand how insignificant your ability to change others is.
- Voltaire

Don't cross oceans for people who wouldn't cross puddles for you.
- F. M. Dostoevsky

Don't look for people who don't lie - they don't exist. Look for those who deceive, but do not betray - you can deal with such people.
- Terry Gibson

It's not so much what you believe, but how you believe and how you put your faith into action.
- Lin Yutang

There is no greater error than hatred, and nothing greater than patience.
- Chinese wisdom

Ask yourself every minute if this is what you really want to do, and only do it when the answer is yes. This will keep away those from whom you will not learn anything about yourself, and will attract others from whom you can learn.
- Richard Bach

To win, you first need to play.
- Albert Einstein

Canal builders release water, archers subjugate an arrow, carpenters subjugate wood, wise men humble themselves.
- Buddha Gautama

English writer; is one of the most famous authors of detective prose in the world, her works have become one of the most published in the history of mankind (second only to the Bible and the works of Shakespeare)

Most people do very strange things, sometimes completely incompatible with their character. But I admit that if you know these people well, you can find an explanation for their actions.

famous ancient Greek scientist and philosopher; student of Plato; from 343 BC e. - teacher of Alexander the Great; in 335/4 BC. e. founded the Lyceum (Ancient Greek: Λύκειον Lyceum, or Peripatetic school); naturalist of the classical period; the most influential of the ancient philosophers; basically...

The principles of actions are what they are done for.

There are different ways to commit a crime... meanwhile, there is only one way to do the right thing...

Praise and condemnation are received depending on whether the action was performed under duress or not.

Central Asian Indian and Timurid ruler of India and Afghanistan, commander, founder of the Mughal Empire; also known as a Turkic, Uzbek poet and writer

Doing good to bad people is the same as doing bad to good people.

Not a single person who has performed a worthy deed has ever received less in reward than he gave.

Every merciful act is a step on the ladder leading to heaven.

Italian writer and poet, representative of the literature of the Early Renaissance, who, along with his idols - Dante and Petrarch - had a significant influence on the development of all European culture

Past actions are much easier to blame than to correct.

For my action to have moral value, my belief must be associated with it. It is immoral to do something out of fear of punishment or in order to gain others' good opinion of oneself.

Strange affair! At all times, scoundrels have tried to mask their vile actions with devotion to the interests of religion, morality and love for the fatherland.

Only by actions do we judge internal movements, thoughts, actions, and other feelings.

Only by the actions of people can society judge their virtue.

Don't judge by appearance, judge by deeds.

It's better to think before you act than after.

If you're wrong, who cares? What others consider a mistake may be a conscious choice for you.

Thousands of words will leave a smaller mark than the memory of one action.

Act in such a way that the maxim of your action could become the basis of universal legislation.

Don't treat others as a means to achieve your goals.

Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, both in your own person and in the person of everyone else, as an end, and never treat it only as a means.

Our actions seem to be born under a lucky or unlucky star; to her they owe most of the praise or blame that falls to their lot.

German thinker, classical philologist, composer, poet, creator of an original philosophical doctrine, which is emphatically non-academic in nature and has a wide distribution that goes far beyond the scientific and philosophical community

You will rarely make a mistake if you attribute exceptional actions to vanity, mediocre ones to habit, and minor ones to fear.

Every action continues to build us, it weaves our colorful robe. Every action is free, but clothing is necessary. Our experience is our clothing.

From a young age, learn to forgive your neighbor’s misdeeds and never forgive your own.

Do not believe the words of either your own or those of others, believe only the deeds of both your own and those of others.

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